hs8346284 , Ace
Reported User(s): hs8346284 , Ace

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573207391 , STEAM_0:0:108038817

Date & Time (GMT): 27/01/2021 @ 15:00 GMT

Summary of the incident
My account of the events that led to this PR:
The two players accompanied by the rest of their Corleone team entered my gun store and demanded that I give them ammo for free. 
I refused to do so and told them they could only rob for money. 
They asked for 5000 or they would kill me and I told them they can only rob for 500 max. 
They then killed me after trying to rob for more than 500.

Rules that I am accusing them of breaking:
  • 3.1 Do not harm/kill people randomly (RDM); you must have a valid roleplay reason (a person's job or being a criminal is not a valid reason), for example protecting your property during a raid. - given the fact that I met their demands (within the limits of what they are allowed to demand) and they still killed me anyway.
  • 7.1 You can't commit crimes in public and you must have a valid roleplay reason (you can rob a store in public if deemed safe to do so). Public locations are the city, Metro stations and Connectivity road.
  • 7.2 When mugging you can only steal up to $500 and you may not mug the same person twice within 15 minutes.


[Image: 0G8fVWN.jpg]

[Image: 2uw2YrB.jpg]
[Image: rz8xMDQ.jpg]
That's some great roleplay from Meth man! Remember to act afraid of losing your life and not make situations out to an OOC situation. I would rather inform him in LOOC about his wrongdoings and try to RP out the situation as best you can next time.

It is also apparent to me, that the mugging rule might need some revamping. Judging from the last two player reports.

Ace is very new and will only get a note on his ACP this time.

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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