Reported User(s): Dove

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:582321732

Date & Time (GMT): 9/1/21 @ 00:40 GMT

Summary of the incident
First of all, Dove was accused of using an aimbot after he took us all down in a raid (1v3) by not even emptying 1 magazine from his AR-15 (we died in the same second), then he took down even more people that were trying to help us. Then after the raid ended and he successfully raided our base solo, he randomly killed a guy on spawn and then proceeded to arrest me for no reason.

Note: This is not his first time doing that in his 26 hours of playtime.


In my opinion it's true the dove has cheats. He killed me, not even knowing where I was, and immediately got a shot in the head, dying with one shot. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Dove is cheating. Apart from the fact that he has cheats, it completely does not follow the rules of RP that are on the server. Unfortunately, I do not have any recording, but I confirm the fact that he should get a ban. I hope more People from yesterday situation will write something there. Cheers.
Please upload longer clips as these have been shortened down.

-Removed by Steven8ken
Unfortunately I do not have a clip with Dove solo raiding, these are the only clips I have and they clearly show rule breakage (RDM and FailRP as a police officer).
Unfortunately I can't see the person being killed in the video, therefore I can't be 100% sure it was RDM. However I am blacklisting him from police officer due to the failRP.

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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