I wish I could think of a pun for this resignation but I can't so sorry about that
Good afternoon Fearless,

I'm sure this resignation will come as no surprise to many of you, as essentially, I've been inactive for a while and I understand that by staying on the team, I am doing them no favours. I'm sorry that I couldn't be more invested in the past few months, to be honest, I've just lost interest in administration and generally RP, and it hasn't exactly helped that the server has been very dead lately. I still have hope that substantial updates will bring back a population, however when I really think about whether I would come on if the server was more populated, as much as I would like to tell myself that I would be super active, I probably wouldn't, as I just don't enjoy it as much as I used to.

Thank you to everyone who I have met in this community who was chill, no thank you to everyone I've met in this community who have been nonces (which is a worryingly high amount) and best of luck to everyone with whatever you all do after FL, remember, all is not lost because the server population is low, the fact that there are still so many people who WANT to play & who are truly invested in how Fearless is doing, is a great testament to how strong a concept it is, but furthermore, it proves that there is still a massive target audience, FL just needs to capture them again.


(now i will learn how to be an edgy vet)
See ya!
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Bye epic roleplayer, was nice knowing ya.
no why Sad

imma miss u sparxghghghgh
I never spoke to you or met you but I wish you the all the best.
say sike RIGHT now
not an Administrator
Goodbye Sparx. You were always one of the good ones.
I would have loved to meet you. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
[Image: Thumbs_Up_Sign_Emoji_Icon_ios10_grande.png?v=1571606114]

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