bignamer $$ dray
Steam Name: bignamer $$ dray

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97693446

BlacklistID(s): 106937

Blacklist Reason

Staff Member: Conn

Involved users
I don't know everyone who participated in the shootout, but two I know is dannyvankleef and mg.

Why should you be unblacklisted?
Conn has brought me on a roof, and asked me why I am killing people. We had started a shoot out, since someone was shooting us when we were aiming at someone looking for RP. The one who was shooting at us was running towards us with a pistol, and when I spotted him I had killed him. This caused the police to interfere, where my mates have been shot and I was left with one officer in the situation. An innocent player was shot by me on accident in the shoot out and from what I've been told the reason of blacklisting me from weapons is because of that. I don't think this blacklist is fair, since people should keep away from shoot outs and not run straight into them. It was not my fault and I was not trying to RDM anyone. By the time i was in a gunfight with the police officer, the citizen just ran straight towards him and i uncrouched, thought that was the officer and shot him. Super Administrator Conn has not given me any way to explain it, he saw I had made 13 kills in the past so he assumed he could blacklist me for RDM since he thought some of these kills were also RDM.

I watched you kill people you clearly saw were unarmed for no apparent reason, not by accident. Whilst people shouldn’t run into active shootouts, it is not always clear that there is a shootout.

Violence should be the last option, and it was completely unnecessary in this case with the citizens.


Consider giving me a rep point here.

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