Steam Name: Mullin

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:6024897

BanID: 81911

Ban Reason

Staff Member: [FL] Tomo

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?

Okay, this is edited of course, now I see the ban video. I do have an explanation, the reason why I didn't consider this situation is because I had no intent on running the officers, or avoiding the situation, I was straightening the car because I wanted to straighten the car. You can quite clearly see, before they even open fire, that the car has stopped, and I was about to exit the car however, they opened fire on the car and completely destroyed it. Also, when I drove forward, that was simply due to lag. I don't have the best PC, and have some hefty FPS drops in places, espically when there is alot of cars around me, and so on. I held W, had a lag break, came back, and saw the car was fired upon. Don't get me wrong, I can see why it was mistaken for breaking FearRP, and Tuffy did break FearRP, however, he did have his gun equipped before he was even in the car, yet it was clear that didn't save when he exited, which I suppose is just a function within the game! How come I was banned, but he wasn't? We stopped the car, and was about to get out before they opened fire on us. It's quite clear from the video that the car was stopped, in good condition, and straightened up, before they opened fire on us. I simply straightened the car, there isn't a real reason behind why I straightened it minus that I wanted too, and can see why it was mistaken for FearRP, I apologize, and hope we can proceed forward. I think this was just a misunderstanding, and I can see why I was banned, but I promise you that I did not have that intention, Tuffy even got out the car.
(02-17-2019, 11:45 AM)TASSIA710 Wrote: Hey,

you can clearly see in the video how you reversed and drove forward again and again
to free yourself from the block of the police cars.
That doesn't happen due to a lag. Also, even if you had a lag in the last part,
where you tried to run the officers over, there is no reason to press W when someone
stands in front of you. Instead you should have listened to the officers and got out right away.

Even if you just tried to straighten your car,
there is no reason to do that in such a situation.

Your friend Tuffy got banned aswell (Ban ID: 81910). He just got banned while using another Steam Name.
The SteamID is the same tho.


Thank you for replying in quick time, I can see in the video why that might be the case. But I promise, that isn't. I was doing around 10 to 15 FPS at the time, and I needed the budge forward a little bit. When I pressed W, my FPS, as usual, dropped quite heavily, I did budge forward, but moved somewhat further than I wanted. Honestly, I didn't mean to break FearRP, or it to seem that way, I was on call with Tuffy at the time and got him to get out of the car due to this, I said I would exit the car a few seconds later after I have straightened the car. I didn't ask him to pull the gun, and I didn't want him too. This is a huge misunderstanding, and back to your point it doesn't happen when you lag, it does, if you hold W when lagging, it fucks up, and you keep moving, coming back in and seeing your car has hit someone or ended up in some ditch or something. But yes, I'm sorry about it, I didn't mean for it to seem like I was breaking FearRP, I honestly wasn't.

EDIT: I kept driving backwards and forwards to straighten my car, which, in the video, you can see I suceeded before the lag event occurred. I didn't kill anyone, I do think this is just a misunderstanding, and it's quite clear it was reported later on in the video. This could have been sorted while I was in game and I could have explained myself. Also, the lag event didn't occur when I was budging, it occurred when I was driving forward, reason why I went a little further than I intended.

Here is the video that was used against Mullin and Tuffy -

Mullin, I don't see how this was lag. You were speaking through your mic whilst driving back and forwards to get you out of the jam. When the vehicle turned towards us and started driving, you were turning the wheel with no issue at all. The fact that you lagged is possible but it is a lie. Your friend got out with a gun and began firing at officers after being told to get to the floor. All you had to do was get out and comply but you chose to ignore us and try to run us over to get away.
[Image: brHdXi6.png]
(02-17-2019, 01:19 PM)ImTheRealSparks Wrote: **Involved**

Here is the video that was used against Mullin and Tuffy -

Mullin, I don't see how this was lag. You were speaking through your mic whilst driving back and forwards to get you out of the jam. When the vehicle turned towards us and started driving, you were turning the wheel with no issue at all. The fact that you lagged is possible but it is a lie. Your friend got out with a gun and began firing at officers after being told to get to the floor. All you had to do was get out and comply but you chose to ignore us and try to run us over to get away.

I don't know how to get my point out clearly enough, I was not speaking when driving forward. That was when I was lagging, that is the reason why I went slightly further than I thought I would in the first place. The budging part had no lag, I was not lagging, but was simply trying to budge out and straighten my car because I wanted too. My friend got out the car because I told him too, as you can see in the video, he later pulled the gun out, I never told him too and also said that he shouldn't have afterwards.

EDIT: Ah, I see you were referring to me driving forwards. I held W, and might of tapped A for a brief second, who knows, the keys I used while gaming really don't stay with me in memory, and especially during an event where I thought had already been sorted, yet was reported hours later? Most of that steering was due to my mini clearly clashing with cars beside me, and turning the car, I stopped and you opened fire.
In my eyes, this was textbook FearRP breakage and I see no other explanation for this rule break, based on the evidence provided (the video). Therefore I see no reason why the ban is not a valid one.
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
(02-17-2019, 11:58 PM)Tomo Wrote: In my eyes, this was textbook FearRP breakage and I see no other explanation for this rule break, based on the evidence provided (the video). Therefore I see no reason why the ban is not a valid one.

I’ve been unbanned anyways due to the time, and you said you have no explanation when I have written many paragraphs above explaining what happpened in the situation. No one was killed, I stopped the car and then it was shot, and Tuffy got out. An admin did come over and didn’t do anything about it, and I reported several rule breaks that day and not nothing happened. The staff team is somewhat a mess and seems to not respond to many requests, anyways, I’ve been unbanned now, thanks for responding after the ban time happened.

When I said "I see no other explanation", I meant that the explanation you've given just seems like an excuse to me. He was telling you both to step out of the vehicle and just because your passenger did, doesn't mean the FearRP isn't applied to you anymore. You proceeded to try and drive away and appeared to eventually attempt to run over the cop.


[Image: tgRQtsH.png]

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