PR: £10 Cro
Name of player£10 cro

Time in GMT: 23-08-2018 around 3pm
Server: v4b1

Summary: Cro was ramming my police charger so I went into pursuit, when another officer came from the other side we ended up in a shootout, I requested backup and as soon as we took him down he told me in OOC that I "rdmed" him, which wasnt true, he started shooting officers first. After he died he came running back and tried to propkill me aswell. When I asked him if he was breaking NLR he answered as the video shows. 
Edit: oh yeah he insulted me as well.

I was the SRU Sergeant on Scene. 
When CannedTuna asked for backup I had been right around the corner on my way back to nexus . 
They had started shooting so I killed Cro and went away.
[Image: owI6QSg.png]
The Prop thing dosnt exactly show anything. As you saw, as u turned toward me I tried to avoid you and continued running. I didnt go back inside my car either. I was simply running past you as my house was at lake so it would take too long to run around the map. In no-way shape of form did I re-engage. You did! I clearly was avoiding him and had no intent to re-engage. Also this happened 3 days ago, so whats with the cahnge of heart and PR me now?
You might not be willing to re-engage but you did immidiately return to you death position. When I turn toward you i hear a heavy prop falling behind me and see your physics gun lock onto the prop. After that you remove it.
When I ask you if you are breaking *edit NLR* you immediately start to insult me by throwing swear words and you admit to breaking NLR.
I posted it 2 days after the incident happened since I did not have time to do it before.
How did I break FearRP?
Excuse me NLR*
Going through your videos, why do you always metagame even if you arnt the same job?
You last comment has nothing to do with this current PR, post a new thread about that if you think that is necessary.
And somehow you also feel the need to comment “cancer jew” in dutch in the comment section of my youtube video concerning your PR.
Youtube isnt in the ToS my guy, thats for me and you to worry about not admins

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