Name: [FL:RP] AdamCF
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:111349071
Summary: Called me gay. I would like him punnished for OOC player harrasment and calling me gay OOC. Also i would not like to see you telling me you were trying to say "hey"  or any of that.

You can't be everyones cup of tea or else you'd be a mug!!!
This is even more player harrasment.

This is the video he is using to make fun of me with i did not give him permission to use or share to anyone.

You can't be everyones cup of tea or else you'd be a mug!!!
He is trying to bully me in OOC by using that recording that I have not given him permission for.

You can't be everyones cup of tea or else you'd be a mug!!!
I wasn’t trying to bully you, it was a just meant to be a joke. And as far as I know, you dont need permission to send clips like that. I wasn’t trying to bully you but some of the stuff you’ve done to me IC seem like you are.
And is saying “ghey” in a PM really that insulting? A lot of the time it seems like you find every single bit of whatever to get me punished.
Also, I wouldn’t go around making disrespect reports if I were you. I’m sure someone out there has enough evidence to get you permabanned for doing exactly this. It’s kinda funny
I will take responsibility for the video if that is an issue, I was the one constantly messaging adam for the video I basically pressured him into it. The video was mot in a vindictive way I actually found it quite funny in a way it was quite an interesting speech
Clearly a joke, lets stop with these petty reports.

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