shlomo forum warning removal
Your name: Shlomo

Your SteamID:

Your ban ID:

Banned by: Joe Joe

Reason: None given, another bollocks warning.

Involved: Joe Joe

Why we should unban you: Because there is absolutely nothing in violation of FL forum rules posted, I made a thread about an old dude who died on a cam site and said I didn't give a fuck in another thread - these aren't rule breakages. Joe Joe is blatantly targetting me at this point without even attempting to cover it up, heard from other people you've been following my posts and trying to find an excuse to warn me because of my "sith" jokes I'm making at you and its quite frankly SAD mate. I said you lot warned and banned for valid reasons but I take that back, the admins do but you are powertripping kid. Can someone explain to me why this boy is warning me for nothing?
señor de los anillos de plata
shitposter a nivel subatómico

Imagen de firma eliminada (demasiado grande) - DVN
Hi Shlomo,

Firstly I recommend you calm down. The warning I gave you was a 10% warning indicating that I was not only involved your actions on the forums recently have been questionable and we have been lenient for the most part however recently we have all put out foots down. You seem to violate the forums rules like its a past time and that isn't appreciated. The reason you were warned was because of the 'Shitpost' nature of the thread which seemed as you were mocking his death and the inclusion of the dead person himself. We do not appreciate this here. That was the warning which got you to 50% giving you the suspension. Now apart from stating that I am 'Targetting' you which I am not give me a valid reason why I should remove the 10% warning when you continue to violate forum regulations. Now act a little more mature and give a coherent answer.

Joe Joe
Joe Joe
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"First off mate I've not broken any rules so theres that out the window, I take the piss and mess around but I'm always within the rules. My thread had no mentions of the guys real name (besides his first which is Bob, I made up a second name) or used images of him (I originally did however I removed it after about a minute of the thread being up after consulting an admin). The warnings should be removed as you clearly cannot state a rule which I have broken, I made an RIP thread about a dude who died on a camsite and avoided any descriptions of exactly what he was doing (he was wanking off, its embarrasing though I avoided all mentions of what he was doing) with all other info about him sourced from a site. The one warning absolutely makes no sense, I said something along the lines of "I don't fucking care" on that girlgamer's thread - this isn't against the rules. I suggest you remove these and re-acquaint yourself with the rules mate cause the level of reaching you are taking right now in-order to get me off this site is desperate and downright ridiculous. I thought targetting reached its height when I was teacher but I was wrong, and before you shutdown claims of targetting I've been in touch which multiple ex-admins and each have confirmed that if the team disliked someone there would be a discussion about that person and they'd be watched rigorously until they could find even a smidge of a reason they could ban them. And to think you lot wonder why so many people are leaving FL?
señor de los anillos de plata
shitposter a nivel subatómico

Imagen de firma eliminada (demasiado grande) - DVN
Hi Shlomo,

You don't seem to understand the fact that the thread you created was unnecessary and I'd say quite disrespectful to the dead man and his family. It was clear that the thread you made was a 'meme' I am acquainted with the rules otherwise I wouldn't be staff. As for targeting it was a 10% warning I believe which is very lenient. The other warnings are from a build up of your other actions of the past few weeks. What you done in that thread was unacceptable and therefore I dealt with it accordingly. Now instead of throwing insults and making false accusations why did you think it was okay to post an image of a dead person and seemingly mock their death.

Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

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posting for shlomo
He's dead, his image was removed after a minute, his name was changed, I didn't mention what he did besides that he was secretly gay and using chatbate, I even said R.I.P lmfao wtf more do you want. As for the "build up of my actions", what rule does that come under?
Hi Shlomo,

What I am getting at is the post you made seemed quite apparent that you were using said post to disrespect said man including some of the 'meme' comments made. The image of the person himself did not help at all. You should know that making posts in a way of such isn't allowed, someone with your knowledge should realise stuff like that isn't appreciated on the forums. The build up of your actions has no play in this all I was stating is that you need to rethink how you behave. On these forums recently you have acted out and received warnings from many members of staff. I will give you a chance to add anything else.

Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

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posting for shlomo
Can you explain why you've warned me for simply saying '-support' on a thread and also explain what 'meme' comments were made. ty
Hi Shlomo,

The first warning was because you unnecessary comments on a Serious Roleplay Thread and that one will stay. The meme comment ones were comments like "Can I get an "#GayLivesMatter" in reply ty.", which is just a distasteful comment in regards to his sexuality, the use of his name which you indicated was fake however you still revealed his username which was not needed. The use of the image of him dead. Furthermore your comments on the 'vile' people who uploaded it you cannot state much seeing as you uploaded a dead person to a forum to then basically make judgement of him.

Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

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Hi Joey,

Is there rules against responding on 'serious roleplay threads' with criticism? Also the #gaylivesmatter comment was completely valid as homosexuals are treated unfairly nowadays and I'm trying to promote awareness. The image was removed after I was told by Siphon that he personally wouldn't post that and that was done a minute after the image posting so that isn't really a valid warn reason considering you warned me hours later for something which was removed. My comments weren't distasteful, they were honest comments about how society forces gay people to hide their sexuality

Shlomo, sebasti and lord
--| Denied |--

Your posts were clearly an attempt to try and be edgy while being disrespectful in regards to the death of said person with digs against people of Homosexual nature. That is not condoned on these forums. For a while myself and other staff have been very lenient with your actions however since you have been back you have proved that you still have yet to mature. Until you can abide by our rules and act accordingly on the forums then you will receive punishments. I recommend you take a long hard think about your actions in the future, because at this current time we do not condone them.
Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

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