Discord Unban
Your name: Ethan Bradberry

Your SteamID DISCORD ID: 9572

Your ban ID: dunno its discord

Banned by: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee394

Reason: dunno

Involved: me

Eeee394 banned me from the discord because I woke him up, it is not my fault he has notifactions on. I was trying to speak to an admin in relation to a blacklist. I got this lovely response from the banning admin when I asked about it;
[Image: rwYxzj.jpg]
Let's just make it clear. You were nerfed for unnecessary ping of the staff. In all general you have been doing a lot of unnecessary pings lately, which you have been warned about several times aswell.
it have not been warned

it was not unnessarcy

it was asking janzo something

why did you send a response saying you 'dont care' it sends a very bad impression of staff team. anyways i thought you were off to bed. you clearly banned me for disrupting your sleep, very not nice. https://snag.gy/MKpX6V.jpg
(04-24-2018, 10:03 PM)Ethan Bradberry Wrote: it have not been warned

[Image: Screenshot_20180425-001134.png]

it was not unnessarcy, it was asking janzo something

"@staff Yonno is not responding me" is pretty unnessarcy and you know that. You should have waited in patience for Yonno to respond to you and this conversation should never have found place in the general chat, but in a private message with Yonno..

why did you send a response saying you 'dont care' it sends a very bad impression of staff team. anyways i thought you were off to bed. you clearly banned me for disrupting your sleep, very not nice. https://snag.gy/MKpX6V.jpg

Because I simply do not care. You message is totally irrelevant for the case, and wheter I have notifications on my phone or not, does not change the fact that you are pinging the staff unnecessarily.

Also you were at no point trying to talk about the nerf, but just pointing out  "why have your phone on"


i understand i am in the wrong here and i apolgize for my actions and would like to make a formal aplogy for @ing the admins when it was not needed. sorry

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