Unban Request
Your name: DonkeyKiin

Your ban ID: 75670

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39790685

Reason: Propspamming in attempt to crash the server

Staff member who banned you: [FL:M] Jonas

Reason why you should be unbanned: I was not attempting to crash the server at all, I wanted to put babies in a shower for a strange rp idea and this admin took it way out of order. I have like 144 hours on the server so why the hell would I just give it up to get banned? It's really not a thing to warrant a ban at least. Explain to me that that might cause problems and all would be fine. 
Hello there,
You said you just wanted to put babies in a shower for strange RP idea? and how i took it out of order? You litterly spammed the shizzle out of the props, and then closed the door, everyone in OOC was complaining about lag.

Spoiler: Logs
v33x [18:31:44] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:44] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:45] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:45] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:45] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:45] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:45] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:45] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:46] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:46] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:46] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:46] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:46] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:46] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:47] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:48] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:49] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:49] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:31:49] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) has spawned models/props_c17/doll01.mdl
v33x [18:33:38] DonkeyKiin (STEAM_0:1:39790685) Disconnected ( Visit www.fearlessrp.net for more information about your ban.)

This was in no way RP, only intending to crash the server, and you did this on intention.

So i see not a single reason to unban you.

EDIT: Looking at the logs provided, you spawned in 30 props, which would of been your proplimit, giving you where under 200 hours, so you would of KNOWN you spawned in alot of them, because you would of hit the proplimit or very intentionally spawning them, but looking at the time, you spawned them quickly, so i don't think you did this "for rp"
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
As I pointed out, I have been playing on this server for a long ass time. By the time I had spawned them in people in OOC wouldn't have had time to complain as you came literally as I was setting up. I'f I wanted to crash the server I wouldn't use that prop would I? If I had the intention of taking the server down don't you think that I would have used something way bigger in the middle of main street? If you would have come over and said "Hey, can you not do this because the server is really laggy today" or even gave a prop ban rather than just a straight up ban that would be fine. My point of this whole thing is there was no intention to crash the server at all and I had someone with my that was there also. The reason I spawned the limit is because its pretty hard to fill a shower with strange dolls with only a couple. Doesn't give the same effect. Like I said if you were to coma and talk to me about it instead of just going head first with the ban hammer we could have sorted this out.

Hello again,

It was after i banned you the comments where flowing in like "Oh that's why there was lag" or simmilar.

If you wanted to RP this, and, as said you have 144 hours, so you know the rules, why dind't you ask if you would of been allowed to RP it, but i saw NO rp in it, what i saw was you spamming dolls in, then trying to run from there like a bomb was about to go off.

Again, i see no reason to unban you, and you said i banned you straight away?, it might of felt like it, but i'll explain exactly what happened, because i remember now that it's not so long ago.

When i arrived, i saw you spamming the props, and i attempted to remove some, however, because of the size and the lag, i froze you instead, and when i attempted to grab you with my physgun, you tried to fly away holding in w, and i explained to you how serious of a matter this was, then you had your time to answer, and you recived a ban, Propspamming, especially attempting to crash the server is a serious offence.

Again, no roleplay was intended here, all i would call it was a failed attempt of trying to crash the server, you just spawned them in, then closed the door and try to run off like said above.

I again, see no reason to unban you, but i'll leave this to an Administrator.
[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]
Ok, since its obvious you won't change your mind ill finish with this. The statement that it was an intentional attempt to crash the server is a dam straight lie, the server has been lagging in the city for as long as I can remember when the server is that full, also the fact that you said I ran away is also a lie, you just swooped over and grabbed me and said I was trying to crash the server and banned me. I just hope an Admin can understand my point of view without bias.
You said this was not intentional? But first you claimed you propspammed for "Strange RP idea"?

And yes, you did try to run away from the apartment, as said you closed the bathroom door and ran off.
And i'd probably understand; but i don't, why do you think i am biased, i explained what happend, i did nothing else than that and state my opinion that your ban should stay.

[Image: edfa8a344463b04e45f386ad4525099e.png]

You were spamming props to the limit in a very short amount of time, causing the server to lag. Hopefully you'll learn about this mistake.

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