Banning [FL:RP]-SnowFox-[PC]
Time that this had taken place is between 5:00 am and 4:00 pm Easter Standard Time
Basicly I came onto garrysmod alittle after 4:00 pm today to find that I was banned! Why am I blaming SnowFox you ask? Well we have been having problems IRL and so hes bringing all of those problems into the game, which is ruining my gaming expieriance and stressign me out in school, we go to the same school which he acts like a real life minge! He claims that I have done a "Massivie CDM" but I have not done that much cdm since I joined fearless in August. Yes I will admit I have CDMed in the past due to lag or in an emergency as a Fireman or Police BUT why should I get banned for something I was banned for when I did it back in August? He brags at school that he has power over me just because he donated for over a year and is friends with admins and you, but that doesnt hes above fearless laws and rules! He is harrasing me and always calling an admin when im on, like I say hi to have a bit of chivilry but Its not realy fair if he calls an admin each time and trys to get me banned, he even agreed in school when I went to the office to report him and make the principal tell him to stop but he broke that and its really stupid if you think about it! All I want is that he be banned for an extended period of time. I hate listening to him at school bragging about all the money and admin friends he has, honestly hes just failRp even though he screams through his mic "FailRp Sebastian your FailRping!!!" and please unban me, theres no other better RP server on garrysmod, despite the crashes that I have nicknamed "The Fearless Apocolypes" and I love making a DMV and teaching people to drive! Please ban SnowFox for fake banning.
My Proof: He said at school that he would get me banned on fearless, and when I asked acefire31 if snowfox got me banned, he said yes for "Massive CDM", now if you also think about it, if he tells me hes going to ban me for no reason at school, and I find out that I was banned, dont you think thats kinda suspicious?
SOOOOO, I cant see any offence on the server sounds like your trying to get him banned for him trying to get you banned..

Wise words from a wise man


If he/she has no evidence you havenothing to worry about.
Also if he/she spams @ with 'OMFG Failrp - sr603' Repeatidly then i wont respond, If i come on and get a call such as 'OMFG failrp - sr603' i shall still go but will clock myself and follow, If hes messing admins arround he/she will get a warning.

- Denied (No Evidence)

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