Ruxandra and Joachim
Name of player: Ruxandra and Joachim.

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15331114 (Ruxandra) - STEAM_0:0:37712958 (Joachim)

Time in GMT: 12.00 AM (Yesterday)

Server: V2D

Summary: I was at my house, the pool. When a rebel came on my property, i said leave and he did, after some few mins, some rebels came to my house and said i threatened them, they took me as a hostage and said go in our base, my friend started to shoot at them, they had guns out and killed him. I had 15 health back, they took me in a cell without a keypad inside and told me to stay in there, i asked a lot of times for what the reason was, and after no respond i contacted the admins again without respond too, the admin was in the same building as me because i could hear his music through his microphone (not on record), the other admin said he was busy, i waited like 10 mins more and i asked again for the reason still no respond and again i contacted the admins without respond, i decided to rejoin the server, they can break the rules, then i can do that too. When i came in again, Ruxandra said i rejoined when i was a hostage in OOC and then i got banned by the "busy" admin.

Joachim and Ruxandra didn't have any reason to take me as a hostage and the other rebels didn't even know why i was a hostage.


Screenshots: At this picture they started to take me as a hostage Faustie says its cool enough to build on a road Here they shot at me on my property. A rebel don't know the reason to take me as a hostage. Same on this picture, they dont know the reason.


Sorry for the delay.
You and your friend were building one-way doomfortish barricades right in front of our base. We decided to capture and interrogate you as can be see on the proof.

Instead of talking to me you decided to spam the OOC and LOOC about how random the hostaging was when we clearly specified the reason. Also having an "SS" friend raises a kind of suspicion.

Faustie and even Noodle had no issues with our base hence the reason we ignored your whining about how illegal it is to build on a public road.

You were banned afterwards for rejoining to leave the hostage situation.

Edit: There was a keypad for your cell, don't worry about that.

[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
Base looks ok to me, I cant see any Offense in the Pictures and your videos dont show anything, and if they do The quality is shocking and you do know Its not in color right?... So i cant see any reason to ban them.
(12-16-2011, 01:46 PM)Toby Wrote: Base looks ok to me, I cant see any Offense in the Pictures and your videos dont show anything, and if they do The quality is shocking and you do know Its not in color right?... So i cant see any reason to ban them.

It's like that because he had very low HP. You can also check the logs (if they hopefully work) to see the full story. Nothing out of the ordinary was done to be honest.

The thing is, we clearly explained the reason we took him hostage but he ignored it completely and kept whining.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
(12-16-2011, 04:11 PM)Ruxandra Wrote:
(12-16-2011, 01:46 PM)Toby Wrote: Base looks ok to me, I cant see any Offense in the Pictures and your videos dont show anything, and if they do The quality is shocking and you do know Its not in color right?... So i cant see any reason to ban them.

It's like that because he had very low HP. You can also check the logs (if they hopefully work) to see the full story. Nothing out of the ordinary was done to be honest.

The thing is, we clearly explained the reason we took him hostage but he ignored it completely and kept whining.

Okay the base fine, great ! But The quality is because i had low hp 15 and Ruxandra said, i had to press escape to the menu else i would have got Gamemode crashed, please contact an admin. So i ignored the hostage situation ? And after what i know you also need a keypad inside the cell where i was.

I don't know what barricade you were talking about, my friend made a garage for his car and that's all what i saw seriously, i waited outside for another friend when you guys came and took me as a hostage, first you said i threatened you guys, i asked with what ? most of the rebels didn't know the reason, that's why i thought it was randomly, when i asked in local ooc or ooc i got no answer, the only think you said to me was as roleplay in the cell, you said why we made a barricade (i don't know what you were talking about) and i said that. Please look at this picture where is the barricade ? It was going to be a garage for his car, and that's what i got kidnapped for.

And my videos shows i got no answer from an admin or Ruxandra.
I clearly specified the reason in LOOC but you tried to avoid the Hostage situation by searching for any reason to cry at the admins as can be seen.

Also, you did not need a keypad inside since you could not crack it basically, it's a toggled one outside and doesn't auto-close.

Can you stop trying to act innocent here and actually assume responsability for your actions?
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
(12-16-2011, 09:00 PM)Ruxandra Wrote: I clearly specified the reason in LOOC but you tried to avoid the Hostage situation by searching for any reason to cry at the admins as can be seen.

Also, you did not need a keypad inside since you could not crack it basically, it's a toggled one outside and doesn't auto-close.

Can you stop trying to act innocent here and actually assume responsability for your actions?

When did you say the reason in localooc, because i haven't seen it and maybe the admins can find it in the logs, stop lieing seriously, i didn't try to avoid the situation, you said i threatened you, i asked with what, you couldn't answer me, you have never said the reason in local ooc.
Again look at the picture, there is no barricade, and on that picture you took me as a hostage.
In my videos it doesn't show any "reason".

The only thing why you say i will avoid it, is because i rejoined, you couldn't answer me when i was in the cell.

And what i have tried with a little cell, you need a keypad inside, i could have tried to crack it with pressing some keys.
The base was alright, part of that street belongs to the building, like a slip road.

Can't really see a reason to ban somebody in this thread, so denied.
Dare to think!

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