UBR forums borochovik
This is Forum UBR/Warning point removal.

Your name: Borovichok

Your SteamID: Forum

Your ban ID: Forum

Banned by: [FL] Agorith

Reason: Posting offensive images/links/blah blah blah

Involved: Me 

Why we should unban you: Okay, hi. I think the reason behind this warning is big load of horse crap. You said that I was warned because guy on my signature in neo nazi. So what? There was no neo nazi context in that gif, it was taken from a video that is not related to neo nazism or any sort of racial discrimination at all. I had it for a bit of banter, and absolutely every one who seen it, loved it. Many people also knew who it was, and no one ever EVER cried about it being "offensive", and I think who ever reported it to you, need to calm down a bit, and stop looking for something that doesnt exist. 

PS: I am going to add the signature back, because I dont find it offensive/discriminative/racist/Any other thing, but I just dont want to fight or argue with you, and want to leave this situation in good conditions. 

PSS: In case its not obvious I posted this because I want my WP given by Agorith to be removed. 
Wasn't just the fact he's a neo nazi, he's also well known as a homophobic guy that takes pride in humiliating homosexual people.
As seen in the GIF he's smacking some dildo around a homosexual guy's face and the user that reported this to me gave me all these facts that of course I researched aswell to be absolutely sure.

Clearly this person felt offended as he knew who this person was and with that I can not blame him.

Just because certain people would not realise some signs resemble neo nazism doesn't make it any less offensive in general?
Same goes for this image.
They guy in the gif is being smacked with a dildo because he was a pedophile, not because he is gay. Im not sure what you/reporter guy researched there, but its not correct. Also I feel like some people are over reacting to stuff, they should not react to at all. The guy is indeed racist and homophobic, but thats not related to the gif. Its like saying people should not buy Volkswagen or Porsche, because they are both were closely related to Hitler.
Please provide me with valid sources that can convince me the guy that's getting smacked is a pedophile then, please.
If your evidence deems to be sufficient I will gladly remove your WP for you and allow you to reinstate your signature.

Just FYI, I didn't warn you and remove your signature because I myself got offended.
I don't get offended very easily. I am simply trying to enforce rules both ingame and on the forums.
I hope you understand that.
Valid source has been presented trough PM and warning point will be revoked.
With this warning point revoked you'll also get your posting priviliges back since it'll go back to 30%.


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