Resignation of Lesanka
Shame to see you go ;( Good luck and how to see you RP sometime.
Lesanka Best Roleplayer I've ever Seen in me entire life

Thx for not #Leaving

good luck Lesanka :-)
It's refreshing to see someone toss power aside just so one is able to truly express oneself. Hope you made the right choise even though this can be considered both a loss and win from the server's perspective since you did a great job as an administrator and as a teacher.

As long as you enjoy it, it's a fine choise.

More time for you to express yourself... means more time for me to vacuum your floors ;-)
I will take this as a good thing, move great RP's!!!
Thanks for being such a great community member Lesanka, I'll see you on FL soon.
Do you not hope she has helped all of us??!! Only some?? feelsbadman
Thank you for being a great help to me and the community throughout your role as Administrator!
Thanks for everything Lesanka.

I'm glad that you will be staying, though. You are a great person. Smile
Good luck Lesanka , do what you love to do
rip Sad

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