UBR for Mike
Your name: [FL:RP] Mike 

Your blacklist ID: 70470

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:1:16671491[/b]

Reason: Attempted KoS, should know better.

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Falcao

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:

Falcao's reason for blacklisting me was because I randomly shot him on the street for no reason, attempting to 'kill him on site'.

You can see from the video evidence below, that I was actually shot with a tranq by one of Falcao's clan members, of which he was standing in a group with and later I found out that he did in-fact order the person to shoot me with the tranq to 'take me alive'. There were about 5-6 of them grouped near Giga. 

After being shot with a tranq, I ran inside to take cover as my clan protected me. Once up, I ran outside to find the group that the tranq shot came from running towards us - even though unarmed they still commenced assault via tranq dart and therefore I clearly fired two warning shots in the air for them to back away from our territory, if a bullet had hit Falcao, it was an obvious mistake as the capture clearly shows a clear attempt to fire into the air. 

I can not see how this is KoS and warrants a 12 hour weapons blacklist. Please see the video. 

I believe this is not Falcao's fault as the situation was very fast paced and confusing, so I hope the video will help.
After seeing the footage I have seen that the way you have taken the shots that they were warning shots and they were not aimed directly at me so I will approve this blacklist. At the time of the event the shot did actually hit me and that's why I thought you was attempting to kill me but as the video shows you wasn't. Apoligies on my behalf for the mistake.


Fearless Administrator
No hard feelings, thanks for your understanding and time Falcao - much appreciated!

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