My Experience with WorldWideCoffee
I apologize for the delay. I will review this in depth tomorrow night. Thank you for your patience.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
(12-02-2015, 03:27 AM)Grub Wrote: I apologize for the delay. I will review this in depth tomorrow night. Thank you for your patience.

I'm looking forward to that, thank you very much Grub.

Tomo, your only post in this thread before this one is basically an attempt to defend your friend, whereas I haven't attacked him at all, you then wrote, quoting, "I also agree with the fact that there is no abuse here from Coffee.", which is just an empty, bland statement with no base behind it, you simply posted it, for what purpose?. well, to support your friend and add another comment to a pool of uneducated and ignorant comments, yes, you are expected more as a staff member than a "Ah yes mhm, I agree.", but you seem to have forgotten that.

"You claim we are all being ignorant", I've stated multiple times in brackets, (Some of you) or (Not all), I can't attack the entire staff as a whole since I do not know all of them, I stated that I address the majority of the staff members who posted in this thread, other than "This is not grounds for an admin abuse" no one specified and elaborated on that, they just made the statement without providing a proper explanation which is very unprofessional and if you're going to do that as a staff member, then you are encouraged not to post unless you're going to actually address points and issues like I do in every one of my posts.

"You say we are teaming up against you, protecting our friends and bullying you, yet I have not talked to anybody about my opinion on this and have based my replies purely upon the facts."

You had one reply in this thread before this one and it addressed none of what I've said, you simply defended your friend, Falcao, told me to PM grub like the rest of them and then kindly agreed with Coffee without providing any basis to your agreement, that is a reply with no structure and nothing objective to it not befitting a staff member, It's simply a bare statement.

"You ask for our respect, yet you give us none. You constantly try to insult and degrade us when we are just replying to an abuse thread (which we are allowed to do)."

I choose my words carefully as to not offend anyone personally, and as a person on the reporting side of the admin abuse report I need to express what has happened wrong, which I do, I haven't used any explicit words, respect shouldn't be something I ask of you, it should be a given when it comes to administration handling players and vice versa, I haven't been respected at all mainly by the fact that I keep getting the same bland and empty replies which just show me how much the staff actually cares of what I say, you say that you've read it all yet your one reply had nothing to it, so then what is the purpose of reading it if you cannot deliver a proper response?, and when did it become that staff can post baseless responses with no consequences, and players get absolutely punished when they do - that is the disrespect I've received from any staff member who's replied with blatant accusations and misinformed "Fact(s)", and so, I am giving any one of you respect via listening to all your arguments and refraining from personal defamation, and I'm pointing out what needs to be pointed out to you, such as when Viljo told me to make an unban request and PM Grub when I've done both and linked them in this thread.

"I hope this post has explained my originally "brief" statement."

I really don't get the need for quotations on the word brief, it was more than brief, it was a total dismissal of everything I've written, an abysmal ignorant reply that lists nothing more than "You're guilty" (Or in this case, no abuse noted).

"replying to an abuse thread (which we are allowed to do)."

I have not demanded anyone not to post, I've requested it, you know the difference, you do not need to get defensive and "remind" me of your position and powers (As if you lot haven't made it clear already).

Now onto the points you've made in this post.

"The fact is that Coffee did not extend your ban because he was offended. He extended it because you left out parts of an important conversation - he has stated this himself."

I have stated many times that WorldWideCoffee mistakenly formed this vision that I've purposefully distorted evidence to attack him personally, when I did not, the pictures on the UBR are all the pictures my friend's taken before the server crashed (which crashed while WorldWifeCoffee and my friend were Private Messaging), whichever notion WorldWideCoffee inferred from that unban request was wrong, which then made him take the decision to use his administrative powers, against me (Hence, admin abuse), and extend my ban out of spite and emotion (Not a thing an admin should do), it is not a way to deal with humans when you are in an administrative position such as his, now, as much as I believe he is wrong - I cannot dictate by myself the verdict from this situation, nor can you, given everything I've provided and everything he did, Grub will make his (Hopefully) educated conclusion to this, I've protested the ban reason itself (A one day ban for an assumption of abusing third person) in the unban request, and in addition, the extension that WorldWideCoffee has given out following my unban request, I sincerely hope Grub will view both the ban itself and the actions taken by WorldWideCoffee thereafter, I have taken all this time and effort to protest a one day ban (Extended to three) since I've been wronged, there's injustice in both the ban and the extension of it, I know I am innocent and both should go off my record, and Grub will be the judge of this. So, thank you, Tomo, for being the first in this thread posting actual arguments and bringing up real points regardless of whether or not I agreed or disagreed with them, but this is far from a real thanks, all of the administrators should know to do this on the get-go without being told to, you are the staff members of a community with hundreds of players and should act professionally towards them.
Private Message sent to DoDiDoFTW concerning abuse case. Currently sorting through certain gray areas that remain questionable, I shall be taking time to research such areas before reaching a conclusion.

Thank you.
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
This looks lame. Hurt feelings. Chin up WWC, 2015 the year of everyone crying is almost over!
Jokhah, you know better not to post in cases which you are not involved in, thus you are warned.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
No abuse noted.

[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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