Unban Request
Your name: hey dood

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53367226

Your ban ID: 65213

Banned by: Ivan Tempski

Reason: Using cheats to bypass AFK

Involved: a (Doctor Internet was dragged on top of the roof as well but was not directly involved)

Why we should unban you: 

I made a previous unban request: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=64267

On that unban request I had filled my post with tons of sarcasm because I had felt that I had been wronged in the situation so I will retell the story to the best of my ability in a proper manner. (Ivan if you could verify/deny the story's validity that would be nice)

On 08-31-2015 at roughly 9:20 am GMT I had logged onto V2D to play with some of my friends. I was on the side of the street next to the nexus and was waiting on my friend to come back from getting food when a different friend sent me a message on Skype which was a video that he had seen from Reddit. At this point I had hit my keybind (M1) and Alt+Tab which entered +left;+forward into the console and opened my previous window, Skype. I then proceeded to watch the video: (youtube.com/watch?v=9kzeHuhcXvo) After I had finished watching the video I pressed Alt+Tab again which brought me back to my Garry's mod window and then hit my Macro (M2) which entered -left;-forward into the console. I realized that I could not move and was being frozen by Ivan on top of the roof of the cafe(?) Ivan then brought up Doctor Internet who conversed with Ivan about how dumb I was and they then started to ridicule me for breaking the rules. Ivan brought Doctor Internet off of the roof and was telling me about how I was breaking the rules, I explained that I had looked over all of the rules and I had not seen one that said anything about typing movement commands into your console and that I hit the button purely out of reflex. He told me that I was in violation of rule 1.1 and that I was cheating by trying to bypass the AFK timer, I told him that that didn't make any sense to which he replied that it was an "unwritten rule" and that "people have been banned for this in the past". I continued to argue with him as he was basically mocking me and talking to me in a derogatory way and telling me that I was going to get permanently banned from the server, he then said "bye" and banned me for a day, which was extended by Grub to a permanent ban.

I do not feel that I was in violation of rule 1.1. Rule 1.1 states: 1.1 Using cheats, hacks or abusing glitches will not be tolerated.
(It is evident that I am being prosecuted for cheating and not hacking or abusing a glitch)

This is where I will be getting my definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheating. If you would like to cite another reputable source for your definition feel free.

"Using cheats" can be defined as: "Cheating is the getting of a reward for ability by dishonest means or finding an easy way out of an unpleasant situation. It is generally used for the breaking of rules to gain unfair advantage in a competitive situation."

"Cheating is the getting of a reward for ability by dishonest means"

I was not getting anything from this unintentional hit of a keybind I do not believe I was even on the server for a total of 15 minutes to begin with (15 minutes is the AFK kick timer). And typing +left and +forward into my console is not something that only I can do, it can be done by anyone who can open the console (~).

"or finding an easy way out of an unpleasant situation"

Sitting on the side of the street is no way unpleasant and by typing +left and +forward I was in no way getting out of the situation.

"It is generally used for the breaking of rules to gain unfair advantage in a competitive situation."

I was in violation of no rules according to staff members other than rule 1.1 and in no way was I receiving an advantage from typing these console commands into my console for a brief time (less than a minute).

Grub mentioned that he found it weird that I had these commands bound in the first place.
Here is a list of all the things that I type into my console for every source game I play. They all have their separate uses and these are the binds that I use for bhopping, muting players, making sure my sensitivity is always the same, etc.
My Razer binds (Razer Synapse):
M5: GG macro (types GG into "y" chat)
M1: +Circles (Enters +left and +forward into the console)
M3: -Circles (Enters -left and -forward into the console)

Console commands:
Sensitivity 1.5
m_rawinput 1
bind l "voice_enable 0"
bind k "voice_enable 1"
bind MWHEELDOWN +jump
bind i noclip
net_graph 1
(And a few others that I cannot think of atm)

A few staff members commented that I was "bypassing the afk system". If the console commands had been active for more than a minute while I was doing something such as contra farming then I could see the justification of that, but me moving in circles on the side of the road accidentally is not bypassing any system. If CodedBrain or whomever made the anti-afk system could comment on the AFK system and how it kicks players as most anti-afk systems require the mouse to be moved and not the character to be moved.

I do not feel that I was in violation of any rules. Thank you for your time.

Just to conclude a few points
  • I did not bypass an afk system because by just standing still I would have not been kicked
  • The bind was not an intentional press
  • I gained nothing from this incident and could not have gained anything if I were afk for longer. I had no contra setup I had no base, I was simply on the side of the road.
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
You were in violation of the rules.
This thread answers your ban.
http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=55209 Thread is in private section, but I will quote what is stated in the thread.

Attempting to bypass our AFK timer is counted as exploiting and can lead to a permaban.

I advise you not to attempt to do such a thing.
This is mentioned in the thread.

Pending investigation.
Thanks for your response. I never intended to bypass an afk system. As you can see by my previous bans (1) with one ban before the wipe. I am not a mingy player, I simply accidentally pressed my bind which was not even intended for FL. Had I been afk for more than a couple minutes I could see why you think I would be bypassing the afk system but I do not believe that I was even on the server for more than the afk kick timer, I had just logged in.
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
(12-01-2015, 03:10 PM)Ali Wrote: -snip-

Rules are still rules. Your ban history doesn't affect the possibility of getting banned if rule is broke. And if ban is for major offense, it will be long/permanent one.
Bypassing AFK system is major offense.
This ban is still under investigation.
(12-01-2015, 03:40 PM)Viljo Wrote:
(12-01-2015, 03:10 PM)Ali Wrote: -snip-

Rules are still rules. Your ban history doesn't affect the possibility of getting banned if rule is broke. And if ban is for major offense, it will be long/permanent one.
Bypassing AFK system is major offense.
This ban is still under investigation.

As I have stated before I was not bypassing the afk system nor was I trying to bypass the system.
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
(12-02-2015, 12:22 AM)MasterNoda Wrote: You were bypassing the afk system, no argument about that.

I don't understand. If I was in a room with contra hiding away spinning in circles sure, but I was on the side of the nexus road accidentally using a bind that was not even created for the server and was accidentally pressed off of reflex. I was not intentionally doing this and even if I was I had not even been on the server for the amount of time that is necessary to be kicked for being AFK. If I had been on the server for more than 15 minutes using this while trying to gain something I could see it as bypassing the AFK system but I was simply accidentally running in circles on the side of the road. Not to mention that no exploiting isn't even a rule. I was banned for an unwritten rule that I never intended to break.
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
(12-03-2015, 05:18 AM)MasterNoda Wrote: Not saying you did it purposefully, but what you had done was use a bypass for the afk system.

You have to understand that it was not done to bypass the afk system, it was done unintentionally. So lets say I used the commands malicously. I had not been afk for more than a minute or even on the server for more than 15 minutes (AFK kick timer), I was not trying to hide the fact that I was spinning in circles, and I had nothing to gain from this. What seperates me from similar cases is that I was in broad daylight. What kind of minge would deliberatly break the ToS infront of everybody on the server. It was unintentional, I apologize, and I feel that 3 month ban time (What I have currently served) is sufficent.
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
User warned for posting without being involved.
EDIT: Thanks Jan.
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
Not trying to rush anyone or anything but any updates from the investigation Viljo?
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)

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