Unban DarkPleti
Your Name: Pletikosa(Steam) aka Daniel
Your Ban ID:  56740
Banned by: (Last Ban[FL] Dig
Reason: BRA (56606) - Major FearRP Breakage  (Raptor has something wrong written to my 12ban)
Involved: SynoxeLP

Why we should unban you: So I ran away from DentedCrown because he has Propkilled me , so I wanted to run to my Friend again, but then he came back and ran behind me ago. You can see his Ban reasons! Propkill, Mass RDM.But no admin was on V2P. As always.

And no i don't have Evidence .Because Propkill ist 1ms.

I am a German, sorry for my bad english.
mfg Daniel
Signature to to big -Ikaros
You broke FearRP as he had a weapon at you, I banned you permanently due to you having twelve previous bans.
I will be willing to lower the ban so that you may return, but you will be on your last chance and you will have to
re-read the rules fully.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Thanks , I read every day now the rules.

mfg Daniel
Signature to to big -Ikaros
Approved, user will be placed on a final chance and still serve out one more week of suspension.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator

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