Weapons Blacklist
Your name: GameFinn

Your ban ID: 54041.

Banned by: [FL] General Rickets

Reason: Random Raiding DC to avoid admin

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Now, first of, I'd like to say that I'm not asking for the whole blacklist to be revoked, I would just like it to be shortened.

I've had a long break from the server, my last login to the forums for example was [09-16-2013] but I have been starting to play again for a couple of days. (Don't take this as an excuse, please). I honestly don't really remember why exactly I was raiding, but I'm sure I didn't get banned for nothing, so I guess this is correct. But Why I'm actually writing this is, that the reason said I would have DC'ed to avoid an admin. And that's the point where I disagree. I've honestly seen no sign of an attempt to contact me, or if there was, I would really like to see something like a screenshot or a log file or anything that shows it. When I was disconnecting after the raid, I also said goodbye in OOC when I was disconnecting, to go to sleep. (When I still haven't noticed an admin message or an admin around me).  So in conclusion the blacklist for weapons for the raid is totally justified, but I have not disconnected to avoid an admin and that's why I'd like the blacklist to be shortened (Current time is 7 Hours)  or in case I just haven't noticed it, something that proofs me wrong would be really appreciated. Thank you. :3


Well would you like to state your reasons for raiding the nexus? Your actions did not only get you punished but another member whom was following orders.

As I sadly can't remember my reason for the nexus raid, it was random like it's stated in your ban. And I'm alright to be punished for it. But it's just the DC to avoid the admin that bothers me.
Well it was more so down to the fact you died then left instantly. I will change the blacklist reason however I do not see a reason for the time to be shortened.

Thank you.
Approved I guess...

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