Un-Blacklists Request!
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Your name: BigFatMilk

Your blacklist ID: 49836, 49837 and 49838

Steam ID: 0:0:105304483

Reason: Double dooring

Staff member who blacklisted you:Obay

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Because i didnt even know what double dooring was i thought this was how fading doors should be used because this is how everyone i see uses it. I'm not asking for i to be completely removed because i should be punished to make sure i don't re-afend but since i didnt even know this was a thing please shorten it from 5 hours please Sad
You are responsible for your actions within our Fearless Servers.  Everyone Receives the same time scale from myself, for breaking that rule.
Please do reconsider the server rules in future.
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