Unblacklist request.
Your name: [FLP:RP] Doge

Your blacklist ID: 47692

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:57348778

Reason: Commiting a crime a public area. Street Crime Rules.

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Raptor

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Uhm,i just never did something like that,today i join the server and i am BlackListed,i'd like to know if "[FL:Raptor]" got screens,because i just didn't do it...
Correct me if I am a wrong, but in v2d you were a chef who killed someone in on the main street because he tazed you when he was a police officer.
No,i killed a guy while i was Chef because he came in my Restaurant/Cafè and he tried to raid.

EDIT: Now i got another BlackList for NLR,i think that's for the same thing.But,like i said,the kill was for the raid.
The NLR is another blacklist, if you think it is unfair post another blacklist request.
The person who was in your shop was a security guard who just went in, as soon as he went in you shot him.. the reason may because he tazed you when he was a police officer.
Nono,he came in my shop,punched things,tried some times to use the keypad and then came in my face,then i killed him.
I'd ask you nicely not to lie in the courthouse, at that time he had just spawned and he only came in the shop and you killed him.
Here are the logs to prove my statement.

v2d [23:38:36] Smoky (STEAM_0:0:122582582) has spawned as Security Guard
v2d [23:39:25] [FL:RP] Doge (STEAM_0:0:57348778) Killed: Smoky (STEAM_0:0:122582582) using weapon_mad_usp
That's just not a lie,but,do not believe in me if you want,now that i got my unblacklist i do not care anymore.
Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Suspension for accused player will stand as issued.

[FL] Raptor
Server Administrative Team

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