JuicyTurkey's Un-Blacklist appeal
Your name: JuicyTurkey

Your blacklist ID: 43866

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:0:58063457[/b]

Reason: RDM

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] General Rickets

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I should be un-blacklisted as I got a 20day ban and yet a 6 hour blacklist for defending my home. Apparently if your job is civilian you get done for RDM  Skeptical  I found this highly unfair and yes it was my fault I was banned and I will sit it out but getting blacklisted from my weapons for defending my home, myself and my friend is a bit out of order also according to my friend it is against the rules to shoot somebody at point blank range with a tranq, which is what the people who raided us did.

I would appreciate it if my black list is removed. Omg
Your ban was unrelated therefore irrelevant, you also shot up 2 people and a cop. I remember this case and I do not see why you should be unblacklisted.

I understand that Rickets but they had no reason to raid in the first place therefore I find it pretty unfair that they get nothing for raiding as A. citizens and B. no proof of their accusations. I said I would sit the ban out as I deserve it but in my honest opinion I disagree with the blacklist. If you have a problem I do not mind coming into ts to tell you with my own voice. Also the cop was a mistake I shot the 2 Citizens and he was in the way, he was an accident.
We have had this discussion. I'm not going over the full story again.

You killed two citizens and a cop who were arresting your friend.

Well you need to be more fair I am entering the ts and expect you on there so I can discuss this with you further.
I'm not discussing on teamspeak. There is no discussion to have. We spoke on a roof for a good 20 minutes where you constantly interrupted both me and other players. You also failed to listen and from the 3 people who confirmed one story where you lit them up as a citizen. Citizens don't kill people and cops.

Well they never told the full story. This is an outrage! You need to get your damn facts right, my friend can even vouch for me the cop was in the way then posed a threat. Citizens do not raid either so don't try and be a smart arse.
I strongly suggest you change your tone or this will be denied.

I would also like to add that the were not citizens.



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