Unban request
Your name: [ST-R] Coollittleman [UK]

Your ban ID: 53773

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: Random Car Theft

Involved: There was the admin,, and a random rebel. You will have to check the logs for him or something to find out his name. I did not read his name.

Why we should unban you: I should be unbanned as i did not pick lock the car. Another person pick locked it and told me to get in if not you will be shot! So i did as roleplay and drove away. I tried to explain this to the admin ut then i got banned. There are no rules stating you are not alowed to "randomly steal cars". As i did not "Randomly" steal the car. The car rules are listed below. I say and hope my time should be shortened or even lifted ASAP. When i do get on i would like to donate also to recive money maybe to help me out.

Car rules:

Do not run people over at purpose and always try to brake or avoid the person.
Drive at the right side (not left) of the street, and not on the pavement.
Don't park your car on the middle of the street.
When your car is stuck, call an admin. You can gently try to move it with a prop if required. When your car is upside down you should use /flip to flip it.
Do not modify cars with props or tools without prior admin approval. Admins may modify a car with small objects/materials if it is required for an event.
Do not make seats in the back of the tides truck to transport people. IE:Seats thrown into the back or by making it a bus.
Do not reconnect to get your stolen car back.
Do not build your own vehicle.
Do not spam the horn or siren.
Do not use your car to propblock the street, to propblock your base, or other locations where people have to pass.
Don't randomly crash into other vehicles.
Don't steal someones car when it's getting unlocked.
Do not climb on your car, this is considered as propclimbing.

I am not clearly breaking any rules in my opinion. Please feel free to correct me.
You were driving around in a stolen car as a citizen. If your story is true, then you knew it was stolen and decided to drive around in it anyways. Citizens are not allowed to steal cars, as it's failRP. You said a rebel gave you the stolen car, although you couldn't recognize him on the team-list when I told you to check. The car had been stolen 1 minute before I spoke to you, so I don't see how you couldn't remember who you spoke to <1 minute ago.

You planning to donate does not change anything.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
I know planning to donate does not change anything, i see alot of people saying that. I am just showing my kindness to the server.

You did not tell me to check the team list, you said who is the person. After i said "I do not know his name" i am banned. You did not give me one chance to see who it was. I did not know a Citizen could not drive a stolen car. In the description i don't think it says that or anything.

EDIT: And it is not my fault i can remember stuff and then forget stuff very easily. I do not have "Alzheimer Disease", but i just forget things like that. I did not read his gamer tag, or maybe i did but did not pay much attention.
I told you to press tab and see if you couldn't recognize any names, you said you didn't see his name.
You appearantly accepted the car under a minute earlier from this supposed rebel and you couldn't recognize his name after that.

You simply broke the rules, and the ban issued was fair.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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