My best moments in GMOD
Best Moments in Garry's Mod.

First Experience In Serious Roleplay

First Time in Fearless Roleplay

First Time Playing GMOD

First Time Playing 1942 RP

SCP RP (1942 RP)

First posing Screenshot

Just a few screenshots
I remember playing 1942RP ages ago and being put in the concentration camp...
I love 1942 RP it's fun if you don't get addicted to serious rp. But i already am but i find it fun.
I uh went on 1942RP, Was made Hitlers Youth. I got put in a concentration cell because I didnt catch a Militia member.
What I did on my first day in GMod, is just do a bunch of stupid poses with TF2 Ragdolls. That was March 2012, still in GMod 12.
i have self control

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