Killerkings Request.
Your name: KillerKing

Your blacklist ID: 29169-29171

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47871776

Reason: Random Props In Road

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Venom

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Because I think it was a misunderstanding and if it where agaisnt the rules im sorry because i only took the idea from other players who i saw doing it.
Your blacklist reason is: "Random props in the road"

Edit this into your template.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(05-16-2014, 05:59 PM)Enzyme Wrote: Your blacklist reason is: "Random props in the road"

Edit this into your template.

They where not random they where in vannish to stop speeders!

(05-16-2014, 05:59 PM)Enzyme Wrote: Your blacklist reason is: "Random props in the road"

Edit this into your template.

They where not random they where in vannish to stop speeders! Also my weapons where taken of me for 5 hours for this where as my tool and phys gun where only taken for 2? My phys gun is nearly over. Please may I just have my weapons back.
Your official blacklist reason (as the staffmember issued the blacklist with the reason as) is "random props in the road". Put this into your template.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(05-16-2014, 06:58 PM)Enzyme Wrote: Your official blacklist reason (as the staffmember issued the blacklist with the reason as) is "random props in the road". Put this into your template.

Done Smile
The rules clearly state that you shouldn't abuse your physics gun, tool gun or props. It also requires that you use common sense with regards to rules. Just because you have seen other people do the same, doesn't necessarily permit that action. They too were breaking the rules.

This is a role-play server. Having given a statement above, why do you think it was acceptable to place props randomly across the road? This would cause a nuisance to people on the server and interrupt role-play.
It was in vannish and to stop vehicles from speeding, I except full responsabilty I just honestly did not know it was against the rules. they wernt also randomly placed they where a baracade that was never actualy in view, It was in fadded mode all the time. please can you forgive me for this.
You had a good amount of concrete barriers in the tunnel. I saw no keypad indicating it was a fading door either.
I did, It was on the right I think on the bus stop or some form of stand I can promies you that
I looked around the tunnel and saw no keypad.

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