unban request
Your name: TorNim0s and NPK

Your ban ID: 42893 , 42894

Banned by: [FL] Drogas

Reason: Random Raid

Involved: TorNim0s And NPK

Why we should unban you: corleon tried to break my car so I and another rebel to burst it and I think it's a good enough reason to break him
Thanks for reading
Odd because whenever I asked you why you were raiding the Corleones you said because we are both mafia families and that is what you do.
Hello Admin I was with them and not all of their Ban all justified, and they do not know what to tell you because they do not speak English
I saw to he try to steal my car so he help me because we mafia
You understood what I asked because you answer me with we are both mafia and that is what you do. So do not try to make it a language barrier to you not understanding me.

Denied. User randomly raided a group for reason I stated above.

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