Estleback Corporation
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [TG:C] [FL:RP] Mavis Dracula

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:38576513

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 300+

Real Age: 15

How many RP points do you have?: 0

How many bans do you have?: 3, 1 as SuperSniper and 2 as Mavis Dracula

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Mavis Dracula

Code name: Mavy

Age: 21

Nationality: UK

Personal traits: Nice, Helpfull

Tell us about him and his (or her) history:
Mavis Dracula, born with the 'vampire' disease. Her mother moved to 'the other side of the world' when she was 8. And never returned. She told her father that she ever will return with a cure. But she never showed up. Mavis still hopes that her mother visit's her one day. Her father kept her till she was old enough to take care of herself. She always now she can't stay to long in a hot sun or her skin wil literally burn. The classmates always bullied her with her disease. She now moved to EvoCity and hope to make new friends there. She owns the 'EvoApple' store and tries to make money to ever find her mom. People still thinking she 'Sucks blood and kill people'. But she now it is all a story...

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: Because I believe that I can have a good time in this clan and I hopefully can help other members of this clan.

What division are you applying for?: Construction Engineer

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: I build most of the time. I know all the tools and what they do.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? N/A

Do you have any reference we can contact?: N/A

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 6

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 6

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes, yes I do.
The following 4 users Like De CodeerHeer's post:
  • Floodify, Glade, NotSep, Ryder
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP]Donuts

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:1737479

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 218

Real Age: 15

How many RP points do you have?: 1 ( I received it at 130 hours )

How many bans do you have?: N/A

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Tom 'Donuts' Turta

Code name: Tom

Age: 24

Nationality: Swedish.

Personal traits: Kind, Helpfull, Patient,

Tell us about him and his history: As he was borned by his mother Malin Turta and his father Christian Turta they decided to name him Alex Turta. Alex Turta at 10 years old was the best gymnastic, fotball player, fastest guy in his class and rated as the best gymnastic 2 years in a row in his city! After around 3 years, when he came home from school. It was dark outside, it were about to turn into a storm. The same night his father and mom had a fight, and under the latest 2 weeks the fights have gotten bigger.. and bigger.. worse and worse.. etc.. He got scared. He moved to his brothers apartment in France. His brother were 23 and he were only 14 and had to start a whole new life, he had to learn france, meet new friends, etc. At 16 years old he got himself a girlfriend named Matilda Kuron. He were still good at gymnastics and kept doing it for ages. He were really smart! He had max grades in all subjects, the teachers were really proud to have him as a student since he never got into trouble! There was this one guy.. a real dick that he didn't like at all.. He kept fighting with everyone, bullying nerds as he called them, insulting the teachers.. he had really bad manars.. His name was Markus Tum.. a name which just sounds like a bullier.. he drank.. he smoked.. But one day Markus went onto his girlfriend Matilda which Alex didn't enjoy at all! Alex decided that this had to end so he went back, he pulled up his arms of the shirt and went to Markus, he knocked on his back. Markus then turns around and says: '' Fuck you want nerd? '' Alex gives him a right fist in his face so he falls with his face to the ground! Everyone shouted and yelled cause they got so happy that this could be the end of everything! Just months after Markus didn't hurt anyone every again, he got his leasson that everything you do, you get back after awhile!

When Alex Turta was 18 he and his girlfriend were still together. They decided to go visit his Mom and Dad since they havn't contacted him for the last months, his mom was a lawyer and his dad was a construction builder. Alex, Matilda and decided to go to them as a suprise when its christmas! Christmas were in just some weeks and they didn't even buy any presents yet! So they went christmas shopping.

When the time was in for them to go visit they said good bye to Matildas parents and they left. The flight back to Sweden is really long from france and Matilda never flew before in her entire life. Altough Alex and his brother did take care of her and it went all smooth. When they then paid a cab to go to their parents house it was all dark.. no decorations, no lights on.. the car were still there so they got to be home. Alex noticed that he have seen a black volvo following them the whole way to the house.. the registration number was GRT 531. Alex had a good memory so he looked the registration number up on his phone, the weird thing was that there were no information about who owns it, or anything. However they went to the door and knocked 2 times. No respond... '' Knock again.. they got to be home their car is here .. ''
Alex goes around the house to look if he could see something, any movements of them moving around..

When he went to the back side of the house he was that a window was crack open.. that somebody have broken inside.. He listened carefully if he could hear someone running inside or walking. After just a few secounds he heard glass cracking. He ran quickly to the front of the house to his brother and his girlfriend weirdly enuff they weren't there.. He saw the same black volvo down the street with the same registration number GRT 531. He got a bit sceptis and ran to the vehicle. The windows of the vehicle were pitch black so he couldn't see inside it. He knocked on the window cause he knew somebody gotta be in there since the lights of the vehicle is on. A man in a black suit, glasses pulls down the window. The man looks on Alex and says:

'' Alex, your girlfriend and brother have gotten to a safe location. We have been following you for the last months and we know everything about your parents. Your parents have been lying for you. Your mom is a lawyer as she said, altough your father isn't a contstruction worker. He is a Agent of a secret organisation and they have been kidnapped. We havn't seen them for 24 hours and we expect them being dead. You have to come with us. ''

Alex isn't sure if he can trust this man but he got no choice.. he got no money either no vehicle to get anywhere.. He could walk but it's not the risk. Alex gets into the vehicle. A man next to him says '' Sorry Alex, but i have to do this '' and puts a needle into his arm.

'' Wait what.. t-t-the fuck .. ''

Alex got injected with a Nitrazepam. They did this so he couldn't see where they were going. After aproximily 10 hours he wakes up in a chair. Infront of him sits his brother and girlfriend. Apparently his brother were a undercover agent in France and his girlfriend were 2 years older then him.. She is 20 and he is 18.. he had no idéa of this at this point untill he released her taking of a mask. Meanwhile a man comes into the room and says: '' Welcome Alex, my name is Hex, welcome to our organisation '' He then gets carried out of the room into a office. In this office there is a man in a chair with the back of him. He sits down and Hex closes the door of the room. The man in the chair turns around. '' Hello Alex, i'm glad to see you here, you probably don't know why you are here or who i am, do you ? ''

'' No, i have no idéa '' alex responds.
'' Well my name isn't a big deal. I was a good friend with your father altough, however you are a part of our organisation so welcome. ''
'' Don't i got a choice? '' Says alex.
'' No, you will be on a training for 1 year and they will train you in strategies, like how to teamwork.. how to handle a gun.. Also, here is some pappers ''
The man throws a letther to Alex. Alex opens it and starts to read it.
'' Dear Alex, your father and mother is on a mission in Birmingham at the moment and they are safe. Your a part of our organisation at this point as they probably have told you already and your new name is Tom Turta. I hope you enjoy your stay, leader. ''

At this point Alex which is now known as Tom will have to start a whole new life.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: I think i got enuff skills and enuff time to have roleplays with you guys. Also i belive that it will be really enjoyable to meet more new friends, learn how you guys do etc.

What division are you applying for?: Estleback Security Divison.

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: Well, i my self can handle pretty much alot of guns. My favorite rifle is Galil, i use AWP sometimes but not tranquilizer as often. I don't have to use my guns for everything which would just be a waste of bullets. I can talk my self out of different posistion easily.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? No, i was in one but i didn't really count it as a rp group. MPA. I left them cause they turned inactive / died.

Do you have any reference we can contact?: No.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 7.

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 8.

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? I Tom 'Donuts' Turta accept the Terms and Conditions.
The following 1 user Likes Donuts's post:
  • Floodify
[Image: searchat.png]

We at Estleback Corporation will contact you for an interview if you have been qualified for it.

Kind regards,
[Image: 5oh2.png]
Kind Regards,
The following 2 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Donuts, De CodeerHeer
[Image: deniedz.png]
Today Ilikecats got kicked out from Estleback Corporation.

You're officially kicked.

Ilikecats Wrote:Here at Estle i would like to apologise for my actions. I loved this clan like i love cats. You all where my family and i loved you all. I suited Estle and every single member i enjoyed working with and i fully thought Estle was the best clan. I love you all and i hope i will not to be forgotten. Goodbye guys have a good one

Kind regards,
[Image: bq19.png]

[Image: acceptedh.png]
I'm happy to announce that Mavis Dracula has been approved to Estleback Corporation.
Remember to accept Myfloodifys friend invite and the invite to our group.

Kind regards,
[Image: bq19.png]

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

The following 4 users Like D0ctor's post:
  • Donuts, RockHunter, De CodeerHeer, Floodify
[Image: acceptedh.png]
I'm happy to announce that Donuts has been approved to Estleback Corporation.
Remember to accept Myfloodifys friend invite and the invite to our group.

Kind regards,
[Image: bq19.png]

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

The following 2 users Like D0ctor's post:
  • De CodeerHeer, Donuts
[Image: deniedz.png]
Today Hyde got Blacklisted from rejoining Estleback Corporation.

You're officially Blacklisted.

Kind regards,
[Image: bq19.png]

[Image: fgfcrai.png]

If I helped you, please consider giving me a +Rep.

The following 1 user Likes D0ctor's post:
  • Floodify
“Guess who’s back…. Back again…. Cories back….. Tell a friend….. Guess who’s back….. Guess who’s back…”

Dear EBC,

Well, I have returned from yet another ALOW (Absent without Official Leave). Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to stay sorry for leaving on such short notice. Now that Hyde is gone, I can kind of say this without getting in trouble….. I didn’t like the fact Hyde walked in and stole my job just like that. After Hyde come and starting power talking the group I lost my marbles and kind of gave up on getting back into office. But as time went on, I kind of got use to him and kind of didn’t mind him. The moral of the story is, if you don’t like someone… do not make a scene, just try and be nice and they will be nice in return.

Anyway look at me dragging on…. I am back and that is the mean thing. If I don’t speak to some of you before Christmas, Have a fantastic Christmas and don’t eat too much.

Kind Regards,

[Image: 95FehEh.png]
The following 5 users Like CorieTheNub's post:
  • D0ctor, Floodify, Glade, Wood, NotSep
[Image: awardus.png]
Today, Mr.SPT aka Septic got promoted to

Kind regards,
[Image: 5oh2.png]
Kind Regards,
The following 3 users Like Floodify's post:
  • NotSep, CorieTheNub, D0ctor
(12-22-2013, 09:18 PM)myfloodify Wrote:
[Image: awardus.png]
Today, Mr.SPT aka Septic got promoted to

Kind regards,
[Image: 5oh2.png]

Congratulations, I hope you keep up the good work.

Kind Regards

The following 1 user Likes CorieTheNub's post:
  • NotSep
[Image: searchat.png]

We at Estleback Corporation will contact you for an interview if you have been qualified for it.

Kind regards,
[Image: 5oh2.png]
Kind Regards,

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