why got banned still dont understood
Your name: [FL:RP]Friend

Your ban ID:39892

Banned by: [FL:M] Verzyn

Reason:looking for aggresive rp while warned raiding as citizen

Why we should unban you:

I was killed in a base at mtl then same guys built other base to industrial i wait for nlr and i go to my base at industrial too then i see the new one and i stay around it for about 40 minutes doing nothing just staring . Verzyn warns me for aggresive rp dont know why just for looking the base?
after the 40 minutes i see 2 druglabs at the yard so i attempt a raid as citizen (also cant raid as citizen)?then got banned for that reason aggresive rp while warned ,raiding as citizen
You were continuously pestering this group of rebels as a citizen, which firstly is fail RP. Who on earth runs around outside the base of a criminal organisation? I warned you around 40 mins prior to the raid for attempting to provoke them. After a while I get a call that you and another person have randomly raided as citizens. You did indeed raid their base for contraband as citizens, with 360 hours you should know that is not allowed. Can you further explain why you find this ban to be unfair?
so we are not alowed to raid as citizens?and provoke em? so that i was just curious for their base means i want to raid em?And who said that i wasnt criminal too plus why shouldnt i raid em if i saw their contra?
Apply common sense, your average citizen does not posses the means to infiltrate a gang and kill some of their members.

Also you were provoking them, thus promoting aggressive RP which is frowned upon in this community. I did warn you to quit hanging around annoying them, you ignored my warning.
its not fail rp if u are an unemployed u got no money that makes u poor ,poor dont got to eat i needed money in real life if someone is hungry he does whatever is necesery

raiding as citizen is banable ?oh and it was our fallt when they sented someone in our base u confuse provoke with watching
Before I start. I was one of the rebels.

If you're 'broke'. Why would you decide to use a military weapon? Your story doesn't add up..
Involved, I'm one of the rebels.

You were outside our base for 40+ minutes, you kept on calling verzyn because you through a world door were propblock... Then later on after the warning you decide to walk over to our base THEN pull a gun out on us and then run away. 30 seconds later you shot me to death from a long distance, this is when we called verzyn.

Oh and, one time you ran in the building and spammed your camera for no reason at all.
You tried to provoke us the whole time.

And btw, I believe you just gave a blatant lie no one had contraband outside, I were outside in the garden all the time and NEVER saw any druglabs. Only place I did see druglabs were in the start when Hyde placed them inside the building on top floor.
(Correct me if I'm wrong hyde, cats, Ghost etc. I could have missed it)
I did have some contraband, But they were in my house and remained in there. I feel he was quite looking when looking back on the event he didn't get a longer sentence,
In my opinion your ban is fully justified. Also I suggest you buck up your attitude to fearless and try some passive RP instead. I will leave this to an administrator.
I was a rebel at the time i believe and i can vouch that you were being very aggresive towards us because 1-2 hours before hand we were forced to kill you because of once again, you promoted aggresive rp by pulling weapons on us because we were at MTL and YOU wanted it. Also thats fail RP because IRL would you pull out a gun to an underground crime organisation, NO, thought so. Personally Verzyn done a fine job on his moderating so this is a justified ban.

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