FUMUKU International
Congratulations on successfully joining FUMUKU International. Looking forward to working with you all. If you have any questions I'm more than willing to help.

Also congratulations on the promotions. All well deserved.

And lastly a huge thanks for my promotion.
The following 1 user Likes Moisty's post:
  • Mr.Bean
(06-30-2013, 10:33 PM)BlackDog Wrote: Welcome aboard Church Biscuit: STEAM_0:1:42621731
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D-T
Security Clearance: D-T
F.I.D: SD 3255

It's an honor to join you, thanks for letting me in, and I promise you I will do the best I can.
FUMUKU International Security Officer Class D-T
F.I.D: SD 3255
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:42621731&b=2]
The following 1 user Likes Amelia Diesel's post:
  • D0ctor
Congratulations to all successful applicants, I look forward to working with you in the future, I am certain you will meet the standards of this company and help us to excel. Do not prove me wrong, seriously there is a betting pool going and if I loose I get all DubWubs paperwork. Jesting aside welcome to FUMUKU Int, if you haven't already please read the contract of your employment on page 1 and familiarise yourself with our terms and conditions.

Yours sincerely, Z. Massani Director of FUMUKU Legal services I.D 3514
Welcome aboard to all the new members of FUMUKU, it is a pleasure to work with you.

Also, congratulations to all officers who received promotion.s

Lastly thank you for my promotion.
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Jackeylegs

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53707255

Your Age: 15

Hours on server: 137

RP Events you have been in: 5

RP Point Amount: 2

Ban History on Fearless RP: 6 (Improved recently)


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Manufacturing / Construction


Full Name: John 'Jackeylegs Smith

All Nicknames: Jackeylegs

Age: 22

Date of Application: 07/07/2013


Date of birth: 01/06/1991

Gender: M

Place of Birth: Bristol, Somerset, England, Earth

Telephone Number: 01932522209

Mobile: 07845602333

Driver's License Number: 54257832462


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 101 Falk Street

Zip code: FL228XE

Suburb / City: Evocity


Why are you applying? Want to feel something more than just your average player by being part of a clan.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? Like construction and building stuff.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I spend a lot of time on FL and am fairly good at building, I suppose I am fun to work with and get along with everyone.

What will you offer FUMUKU? My building skills.
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Surgeon Scone

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50422089

Your Age: 18

Hours on server: 132

RP Events you have been in: 1, infection RP

RP Point Amount: 0

Ban History on Fearless RP: 1, 24 hours, Single RDM


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Manufacturing Technician


Full Name: Nikolas Konec

All Nicknames: Scone, Surgeon, Nikolas "Scone" Konec

Age: 48

Date of Application: 08-07-2013 (08 July 2013)


Date of birth: 25/08/1965 (25 August 1965)

Gender: (M) / F

Place of Birth: Vladivostok, Russia

Telephone Number: n/a

Mobile: 0774-72663-62

Driver's License Number: SU7-GE6-N72


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 14 Zolyek Avenue

Zip code: EV07 0QN

(Suburb) / City

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 12 ул. Карьерная (ulitsa Karyernaya)

Zip code: 12-я ул 690024

Suburb / (City)


Why are you applying?

My application comes to you as a bid to find a willing group to utilise my skills in exchange for services of your own.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?

Head of technical security at [EXPUNGED] Vladivostok, Russia (27 years). Head of manufacturing at [EXPUNGED] Vladivostok, Russia (27 years). Various manufacturing and technical roles within EvoCity. Head of technical security at the Nexus, Lobby & Catwalk, EvoCity (contracted).

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?

I am an experienced and hardened veteran of technical and manufacturing roles at the company of [EXPUNGED], located in Vladivostok, Russia. I quickly elevated to the role of head of both the technical and manufacturing divisions of said company. Upon leaving [EXPUNGED], I found several jobs throughout EvoCity, even securing a contract with the Nexus, building a secure and well-defended lobby and catwalk area.

What will you offer FUMUKU?

I am able to provide simple and secure structures that can be erected quickly and without fault. My main field of manufacturing and technical expertise comes from my experience in creating more complicated contraptions such as various forms of door and defence systems, each with their own merits and faults. Additionally, [EXPUNGED] provided me with my fair share of combat training and experience in several clashes with rival organisations, [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED] and [EXPUNGED].

Character Bio:

Nikolas Konec was born on August 25th, 1965, in Vladivostok, Russia. At the age of nine he lost his mother to a sudden outbreak of an unknown pathogen. From this point on, his father took direct control of Nikolas' life, leading him into the world of manufacturing. While Nikolas' father was an experienced construction worker and builder, Nikolas himself, however, showed an increased aptitude to the new and alien world of electronic defence systems. By the time Nikolas was fourteen, he had created several types of secure locking systems that utilised metal plates and basic codes.
When Nikolas was twenty-two he was promoted to Head of [EXPUNGED] technical security and Head of [EXPUNGED] manufacturing, two separate divisions that he managed expertly. A result of him having direct control over the manufacturing process allowed him to design and gain easy access to many forms of unusual and, some would say, crazy materials that would allow him to redesign his previous successes in defence systems and improve upon them massively.
His fantastic success, however, did not go unnoticed and this resulted in a swift and brutal attack from the organisation, [EXPUNGED]. Their attempt at a coup failed, repelled by the security systems. This spurred [EXPUNGED] into action, training the entire workforce for basic combat. Further attacks from additional corporations, [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED] and [EXPUNGED] over the years resulted in him creating ever more elaborate defence systems, his department's combat experience playing heavily into their design.
In his mid-forties, Nikolas was overcome with tragedy one day as he returned to his home. His only child, Varyeg, was not to be seen, the area showing clear signs of struggle. Nikolas used [EXPUNGED]'s resources to discover that he was kidnapped and dismissed himself from [EXPUNGED]. Nikolas left the country and travelled to America, the base of the shadowy organisation that took Varyeg.
While in America, Nikolas encountered a man in a similar situation. Tony Elar was a boy who returned home one day to discover his parents dead and his siblings kidnapped. Nikolas took the now mentally tortured Tony under his wing and nursed him discreetly, under the guise of gathering information, to restore his mental discipline to a level beyond most other people's. In reality, he was monitoring EvoCity, the location he had tracked the organisation of [EXPUNGED] to.
Unfortunately, Nikolas was unable to buy enough time. His sources fed him information about Varyeg being hospitalized and Nikolas had no choice but to send in Tony, a now disciplined man. Nikolas gave him a knife in the hopes that he'd know what to do if the time came. When Nikolas received a call from Tony the next day informing him of his son's death he moved into EvoCity himself to take up direct surveillance and start a plot to take down the organisation of [EXPUNGED].
The following 1 user Likes Surgeon-Scone's post:
  • Falcon
FUMUKU International appreciates your patience at this time.
We ask you to continue to await patiently whilst the applications are considered and reviewed.

We'd like to thank all current applicants, for their applications, and wish them the best of luck for the future, we look forward to you working with us, if you succeed.

Yours faithfully, Director of FUMUKU legal services, Zaeed Massani; I.D 3514
The following 1 user Likes Eisenhorn's post:
  • Falcon
Important announcement, new files have been declassified for dissemination. This is the first of a series of files' known colloquially as the FUMUKU tales, describing the happenings of five persons within FUMUKU, ''Malkrin, Moist, Toxic, DubWub and Zaeed'

Spoiler: FUMUKU Tale 01
Why Zaeed is not allowed in the manufacturing division, and why working with him requires a degree in running very fast in the opposite direction.

'Ok were has that crazy bastard disappeared too now?' boomed Carthusia Malkrin, clearly agitated at the disappearance of Zaeed Massani, the head of the legal department, not in small part due to the large number of coincidental, fires, explosions, temporal rifts, or evaporation of third world countries, associated with his disappearances.

'Moist' looked up from his work station, and glanced sidelong at the incandescent and slightly nervous Malkrin. 'No idea boss, we aren't exactly encouraged to go looking for him, remember incident 87-B/S09?'
'Was that the one where Zaeed took a whole factory hostage whilst dressed in full military dress uniform, with a large scimitar, demanding that they stop producing toys which destroy the intellect and independent reasoning of today’s youth?' Enquired Malkrin, he had trouble keeping up with the 'missions' Zaeed often went on, at random, and the results.
'Ermm nope, it was the one where he took over Kharzam dressed as judge Dredd, and executed all the prisoners, and some of the guards for sympathetic feelings towards criminal scum' replied Moist, hoping Malkrin would get the message that nobody wanted to find Zaeed right now.

'Toxic' at this point burst into the room and immediately spilt the contents of the replacement water cooler over Moist, much to the humour of all in the room, and to Moist's displeasure continuing his long running nickname. 'I think I know where he's gone and you want like it'.
'We never do' retorted 'DubWub' from the corner of the room.
'Yeah well, I ran his library records to see what exactly he might be thinking of late' Toxic calmly reposted, before handing the records to Malkrin.
'I see' murmured Malkrin scratching his chin, 'why exactly would anyone let him take books on this subject matter exactly?'
'Absolutely no idea but there's only one facility big enough to construct this, where we wouldn't think to look, I’ve already got a HAPC on standby to fly us there'
'Goodjob alright everyone gear up, and prepare a large dose of sedatives, he's been missing for two weeks and my paperwork wont do itself you know!'

The HAPC gleaming black against the backdrop of the setting sun, and the desert, glinted in the crepuscular light, the blue haze of it's engines barely noticeable above the sheer heat of the desert. Even from their position high in the sky, they could see the mass scorching across the desert, and large patches of glass, that could not possible be natural.
Popping flares the HAPC rolled violently to evade any potential AA defences established, whilst it was unlikely Zaeed would try to kill them all, whatever he was least likely to do, was more often than not what he did.
Upon touch down, the team of four disembarked the HAPC, weary and wary, the heat already playing it's toll upon them, sweat near but blinding them, they moved with stealth towards the facility ahead of them, weapons raised, and ready to sedate any threat, the ominous facility loomed above them, and from within they could all hear the sound of heavy machinery, welding and steel scraping on steel, against the backdrop of silent desert and its howling wind, this served only to confirm their suspicions.

Approaching the facility first Toxic tapped his short range microbead radio twice, to indicate it was safe to move up, the rest of the team hurried in behind him, and took up position. 'What exactly is this place' asked Malkrin, pointing at the vast steel rolling machines, chemical storage vats, and cold forging apparatus. Toxic shook his head and shrugged in dismissal, in truth no-one knew, except Zaeed, he clearly knew they were there, because at that moment several hundred tonnes of reinforced steel rolled down blocking the entrances to the facility.

Moist pointed at the facility and began to yell, 'we need to move fast, and get clear now'
Dubwub scoffed at this rolling his shoulders dismissively, 'why on earth would we run, we've got that lunatic cornered right here, right now'.
'Because those lights, just went from red to green, and a whole series of lights are now illuminating a path into the desert, given what he's like and what he's building, shut your mouth and fucking RUN!' screamed Moist.
His intervention was timely, for as the squad sprinted for their life, a blinding flash enveloped the facility, steel buckled and twisted, and the sound shook them physically and mentally, the concussive shock wave flattened them all, and they turned to see a good mile of the desert was now billowing white smoke and was aflame, it was like Hell had spat upon the earth, the flames were all consuming.
Then they saw him, walking towards them. Arms outstretched, his skin stained black from soot, machine grease and oil, wearing welding goggles, a tank top and black cargo trousers, it was hard to tell who it was, but the deep cackle gave it away. Approaching Carthusia slowly and casually, he grabbed the man in a friendly hug, and laughed 'where have you been bossman?, I’ve been expecting you!' he turned to face the others and nodded at them, each in turn nodding back.
'Mind explaining the flaming desert, and your disappearance?' Malkrin challenged, slowly scowling at the still laughing Zaeed, who was observing the fire with almost spiritual reverence.
'Isn't it beautiful' he laughed 'Gentleman welcome to the Malebolge [REDACTED] testing facility, you see I had an idea, and well ya know'
'last time you had one of them a whole nation disappeared Zaeed' laughed Toxic.
'Yeah well, follow me gentleman and let me show you what I’ve been upto'.
Leading them into the facility through the buckled remnants of the door, they all struggled to see at first through the smoke, but the shape grew clearer, as the smoke and haze twisted around it, making it look almost demonic, like a malevolent demon wrought of iron, gazing upon them.
Toxic was the only one to speak, and all he could manage was 'God is dead'

End of report.

Yours faithfully, Director of FUMUKU Legal Services, Z.Massani I.D 3514
The following 5 users Like Eisenhorn's post:
  • Falcon, Surgeon-Scone, BlackDog, Toxic, D0ctor
And this is why Internal Affairs still thinks it's a bad idea to pull your 'research' budget.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
The following 2 users Like Toxic's post:
  • Falcon, D0ctor
Application Review In Process:

Any FUMUKU personal who wish to have a say in the application process may now use the below template to voice their opinions.

Please review all applicants that are in the current review cycle:

Current Applicants, read carefully through their application and make your review based on the template at the bottom of the post


Spoiler :
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: Jackeylegs

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53707255

Your Age: 15

Hours on server: 137

RP Events you have been in: 5

RP Point Amount: 2

Ban History on Fearless RP: 6 (Improved recently)


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Manufacturing / Construction


Full Name: John 'Jackeylegs Smith

All Nicknames: Jackeylegs

Age: 22

Date of Application: 07/07/2013


Date of birth: 01/06/1991

Gender: M

Place of Birth: Bristol, Somerset, England, Earth

Telephone Number: 01932522209

Mobile: 07845602333

Driver's License Number: 54257832462


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 101 Falk Street

Zip code: FL228XE

Suburb / City: Evocity


Why are you applying? Want to feel something more than just your average player by being part of a clan.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? Like construction and building stuff.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I spend a lot of time on FL and am fairly good at building, I suppose I am fun to work with and get along with everyone.

What will you offer FUMUKU? My building skills.


Spoiler :
Steam Name: [FL:RP]TexturedZeppelin (Was [FL:RP]TexturedZepplin, but there was a Typo)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66948201

Your Age: N/A

Hours on server: 95 Hours

RP Events you have been in: NASA RP

RP Point Amount: 0

Ban History on Fearless RP: No Ban History


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security Division


Full Name: Tony Elar

All Nicknames: Tony 'Tex' Elar

Age: 24

Date of Application: 07/08/13


Date of birth: 02/12/89

Gender: (M) / F

Place of Birth: Marshall, Virginia

Telephone Number: 1-(540)-583-9014

Mobile: 1-(703)-673-1890

Driver's License Number: F77227361


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 639 Charlemagne Drive

Zip code: 22694

Suburb / (City)

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 145 Running Lane

Zip code: 22695

(Suburb) / City


Why are you applying? I am Applying because I am in need of a group of people that will support me as I will support them. I will serve FUMUKU as well as I can and will always try to be helpful.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? No current clan background; Have served the President for Security Purposes; Have guarded and managed many GuardPosts around the City as well as the Suburbs pertaining to SpeedBlocks in the City tunnel. I have guarded shops, and buildings, etc.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I believe you should choose me to join FUMUKU because I have had many past experiences with Security, Protection, and Group Conflicts such as Contraband Raids, Drug Busts, Hostage Situations, etc.

What will you offer FUMUKU? I will offer FUMUKU many types of weapons, Kevlar, BodyArmor, Ammunition, help considering Security Systems, I'm also Loyal, and Helpful. I can also be helpful in Resolving member conflicts and clan conflicts.

Character Bio: In the year of 1989 a child named Tony Elar was born to a middle class family consisting of two sisters, a brother and another brother, adopted. As he grew up, aged twelve, he was horrified to discover his parents dead, a bullet in each of their heads. He fled from his home, finding his adopted brother, Timothy, beaten and bruised with a broken spinal column. Despite his injures he manages to croak out the last words, “Go get 'em.” before fading from life. Tony swore vengeance on the group that killed his family and went into hiding, attempting to dig up any information on the killings. He discovered in the years to come that his other siblings had been kidnapped. It was also in these years that he met a man named Nikolas. Nikolas was coincidentally in a similar situation to Tony; a man with no family but his stolen son, Nikolas seemed to have similar motivations. Nikolas and Tony used and their combined efforts to direct Tony to EvoCity, the last known location of the group that killed Tony's parents. Before his departure, Nikolas gave Tony a knife.
Upon arrival Tony was asked to track down Nikolas' son, reported to be in a local hospital. True to this information, Tony found his son, heavily guarded, in a coma. During his visit his son also died of an unknown organ failure. Tony got in contact with Nikolas and brought him into EvoCity himself. They later decided to part ways, occasionally contacting each other to tell what they've seen and found. Now all Tony has at this time are his smarts, his knife, and his fury.

-Thank You for your Time,
Tony 'Tex' Elar

[FL:RP] Surgeon Scone

Spoiler :
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Surgeon Scone

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50422089

Your Age: 18

Hours on server: 132

RP Events you have been in: 1, infection RP

RP Point Amount: 0

Ban History on Fearless RP: 1, 24 hours, Single RDM


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Manufacturing Technician


Full Name: Nikolas Konec

All Nicknames: Scone, Surgeon, Nikolas "Scone" Konec

Age: 48

Date of Application: 08-07-2013 (08 July 2013)


Date of birth: 25/08/1965 (25 August 1965)

Gender: (M) / F

Place of Birth: Vladivostok, Russia

Telephone Number: n/a

Mobile: 0774-72663-62

Driver's License Number: SU7-GE6-N72


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 14 Zolyek Avenue

Zip code: EV07 0QN

(Suburb) / City

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 12 ул. Карьерная (ulitsa Karyernaya)

Zip code: 12-я ул 690024

Suburb / (City)


Why are you applying?

My application comes to you as a bid to find a willing group to utilise my skills in exchange for services of your own.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?

Head of technical security at [EXPUNGED] Vladivostok, Russia (27 years). Head of manufacturing at [EXPUNGED] Vladivostok, Russia (27 years). Various manufacturing and technical roles within EvoCity. Head of technical security at the Nexus, Lobby & Catwalk, EvoCity (contracted).

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?

I am an experienced and hardened veteran of technical and manufacturing roles at the company of [EXPUNGED], located in Vladivostok, Russia. I quickly elevated to the role of head of both the technical and manufacturing divisions of said company. Upon leaving [EXPUNGED], I found several jobs throughout EvoCity, even securing a contract with the Nexus, building a secure and well-defended lobby and catwalk area.

What will you offer FUMUKU?

I am able to provide simple and secure structures that can be erected quickly and without fault. My main field of manufacturing and technical expertise comes from my experience in creating more complicated contraptions such as various forms of door and defence systems, each with their own merits and faults. Additionally, [EXPUNGED] provided me with my fair share of combat training and experience in several clashes with rival organisations, [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED] and [EXPUNGED].

Character Bio:

Nikolas Konec was born on August 25th, 1965, in Vladivostok, Russia. At the age of nine he lost his mother to a sudden outbreak of an unknown pathogen. From this point on, his father took direct control of Nikolas' life, leading him into the world of manufacturing. While Nikolas' father was an experienced construction worker and builder, Nikolas himself, however, showed an increased aptitude to the new and alien world of electronic defence systems. By the time Nikolas was fourteen, he had created several types of secure locking systems that utilised metal plates and basic codes.
When Nikolas was twenty-two he was promoted to Head of [EXPUNGED] technical security and Head of [EXPUNGED] manufacturing, two separate divisions that he managed expertly. A result of him having direct control over the manufacturing process allowed him to design and gain easy access to many forms of unusual and, some would say, crazy materials that would allow him to redesign his previous successes in defence systems and improve upon them massively.
His fantastic success, however, did not go unnoticed and this resulted in a swift and brutal attack from the organisation, [EXPUNGED]. Their attempt at a coup failed, repelled by the security systems. This spurred [EXPUNGED] into action, training the entire workforce for basic combat. Further attacks from additional corporations, [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED] and [EXPUNGED] over the years resulted in him creating ever more elaborate defence systems, his department's combat experience playing heavily into their design.
In his mid-forties, Nikolas was overcome with tragedy one day as he returned to his home. His only child, Varyeg, was not to be seen, the area showing clear signs of struggle. Nikolas used [EXPUNGED]'s resources to discover that he was kidnapped and dismissed himself from [EXPUNGED]. Nikolas left the country and travelled to America, the base of the shadowy organisation that took Varyeg.
While in America, Nikolas encountered a man in a similar situation. Tony Elar was a boy who returned home one day to discover his parents dead and his siblings kidnapped. Nikolas took the now mentally tortured Tony under his wing and nursed him discreetly, under the guise of gathering information, to restore his mental discipline to a level beyond most other people's. In reality, he was monitoring EvoCity, the location he had tracked the organisation of [EXPUNGED] to.
Unfortunately, Nikolas was unable to buy enough time. His sources fed him information about Varyeg being hospitalized and Nikolas had no choice but to send in Tony, a now disciplined man. Nikolas gave him a knife in the hopes that he'd know what to do if the time came. When Nikolas received a call from Tony the next day informing him of his son's death he moved into EvoCity himself to take up direct surveillance and start a plot to take down the organisation of [EXPUNGED].


Spoiler :
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Spyderr

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40778701

Your Age: 14

Hours on server: 163

RP Events you have been in: GLA. (Wasn't official but was where I got my first and only rp point)

RP Point Amount: 1

Ban History on Fearless RP: 5 :
33882 [FL:RP] Spyderr STEAM_0:0:40778701 Steam Profile #33648 BRA: NLR (Extended due to current ban)
[FL] Fultzy
33823 [FL:RP] Spyderr STEAM_0:0:40778701 Steam Profile Massive Fail RP
[FL] Vauld
33553 [FL:RP] Spyderr STEAM_0:0:40778701 Steam Profile "NLR,You went right back to industrial.."
[FL] Grub
33494 Spyderr STEAM_0:0:40778701 Steam Profile Back-Seat administration.
[FL] Jamie
33033 Spyderr STEAM_0:0:40778701 Steam Profile #32993 BRA: Racism
[FL] Fultzy

Currently trying to clean up my act though.


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security.


Full Name: Jane Clark.

All Nicknames: N/A

Age: 22

Date of Application: 14/7/13


Date of birth: 10/3/86

Gender: M / (F)

Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland.

Telephone Number: 505-389-0262

Mobile: 505-389-0262

Driver's License Number: F255-921-50-094-0


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Westover Lane

Zip code: 32164

Suburb / City: Palm Coast

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 89 Huckleberry Lane

Zip code: 01

Suburb / City: Dublin


Why are you applying? I am applying to meet new people and have great rp experiences with them.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? Worked as a security guard for a club in Floridafor 2 years.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? You should pick me because I feel like I can bring some great expertise to the clan.

What will you offer FUMUKU? My full time devotion towards work, weapons, money, ammo you name it I've got it.

Character Bio: In the year of 1986 I was born. I had a working class family who struggled to keep up with bills. I lived with my father, Joe, my mother, Mary and my two brothers Jacob (17) and Sam (18). Being the only girl in my siblings it was a hard time. At the age of 3, my mother and father decided we were moving to Florida. When we got there we lived in a small apartment. My father was an alcoholic and he soon became the boss of a small drug corporation. He got involved with hard drugs such as meth, opium and many other god awful things. He died in 1991 of a drug overdose. I had come home from school and he was there, dead on the floor. My two brothers eventually moved out of the apartment and into their own places. It was just me and my mother, alone. At the age of 17 I came home one night and I couldn't find my mother anywhere, I checked all the rooms 'till I came to the bathroom, she was there, in the tub covered in blood. She had killed herself. Beside her was a bottle of vodka, empty. So, after this I was alone, did small time jobs as security in different places and now I've come here to evocity to hopefully start a new life.

[FT:RP] Rain

Spoiler :
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FT:RP] Rain

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37922824

Your Age: 16

Hours on server: 183

RP Events you have been in: None

RP Point Amount: 0

Ban History on Fearless RP: 4 Bans (Since Nov 2011 & Only 1 Recent)

4615 [TPS] Rain (Co Owner) STEAM_0:0:37922824 Steam Profile jumping on KO people

4669 [TPS] Rain (Co Owner) STEAM_0:0:37922824 Steam Profile Drawing a weapon at gunpoint
[FL] Faustie

12851 [TPS] Rain STEAM_0:0:37922824 Steam Profile Ban request approved - Propclimbing.

33632 [FT:RP] Rain STEAM_0:0:37922824 Steam Profile Disconnect to avoid arrest
[FL] Temar

(Last one can be explained sort of, the rest are simply fair apart from the first one)


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security


Full Name: Robb Stark

All Nicknames: King of the North

Age: 24

Date of Application: 14/07/13


Date of birth: 29/12/1988

Gender: M

Place of Birth: Winterfell, Westeros

Telephone Number: 01642 945213

Mobile: 07741947286

Driver's License Number: Z045 294 50 013 7


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 46 Evocity Lane, Fearchester

Zip code: TS34JG

Suburb / City: Evocity

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Winterfell Keep

Zip code: W3ST0R

Suburb / City: Winterfell


Why are you applying? I would prefer it if my daily life did not occur with petty theft and cheap labour, therefore I took it upon myself to find a group of people willing to take me in and transform me into a prestigious citizen instead of a low down scumbag prowling the streets.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? I am usually hired by cheap gun merchants, chefs and local stores to guard their stocks. Not that anyone ever trys to steal their worthless goods. Although I am told I am a good shot which always comes in handy if some petty thief thinks he can cross me.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? Although I am a novice at being a group member, I have training in the art of combat since I was born. When my father Eddard Stark first handed me a weapon it fit my hand like a glove, so from then on I self trained myself through self practice and dedication to become a skilled marksman hoping to one day furfill some sort of purpose.

What will you offer FUMUKU? Whatever is required of me. I can offer my protection, a sworn oath to always stay loyal to FUMUKU, a skilled marksman, stock and other things. Good things come to those who deserve it

Character Bio: Robb was born in Riverrun, as the son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. Eddard raced off to war immediately following the nuptials to lead the troops in his dear friend Robert's rebellion. Upon his return from the war, Catelyn greeted Ned with an infant Robb, and all returned to Winterfell, where Ned would rule as President and Robb was to be raised as his successor.

Growing up in Winterfell, Robb was on good terms with his younger siblings, and developed a friendly rivalry with his half-brother, Jon Snow, who differs from Robb in appearance and personality. Robb was also close with his father's agent, Theon Greyjoy, who came to regard Robb as something of a younger brother. After Robb turned 24, he fled Winterfell across the narrow sea to a small city named Evocity where he seeked refuge after Theon Greyjoy burned down Winterfell due to feeling like a slave to the Starks.

Once a good majority of members have voiced their opinions on all the applicants or a set amount of time has passed, a final decision will be made.

Applicant Review Template:

Please use the below template for each applicant, simply copy paste it as many times as needed and fill it out fully.

Applicant Name:

Events and situations you have seen/been with the applicant in:

List any and all rule infractions you have personaly seen the applicant commit, this can include previous Ban Requests you were involved in and infractions that were never reported:

List any and all positive attributes you can and list examples:

List any and all negative attributes you can and list examples:

Personal Opinion:

Overall evaluation:

Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
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