FUMUKU International
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: LoneWolf

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49729148

Your Age: 14

Hours on server: 390

RP Events you have been in: At least 6, if not more. (ex. Vault, Zombie, Combine Invasion I & II, Terrorist Rp, etc.)

RP Point Amount: 6

Ban History on Fearless RP: 2, One for 24 hours, one for 48 hours.


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security Devision


Full Name: Antonio James Romano given at birth, changed to Anthony James Burrs

All Nicknames: LoneWolf, Burr, Tony, Anthony

Age: 29

Date of Application: 5-13-(20)13


Date of birth: 9 /12 /1984

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

Telephone Number: (421) 555-1934

MobileSad421) 555-2346

Driver's License Number: B37-DG23


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 41 Applejack Road, EvoCity, Evo

Zip code: 08324

Suburb / City: EvoCity

Previous Residence (Complete in Full) 135 Newton Road, Boston, Mass., USA

Address: 135 Newton Road, Boston, Mass., USA

Zip code: 02116

Suburb / City: Back Bay, Boston

(Not entirely sure whether this is IC or OOC, so I will put answers for both.)
Why are you applying?
I wish for a new future, after my previous history, I need a clean slate, a new beginning to be a better person and not make my previous mistakes.

OOC: I wish to simply benefit the clan, and join a community that simply helps each other, and their primary goal shares mine, to bring more passive roleplay to fearless.
What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I served for 3 years as a security at a high-end jewelry store in back-bay, working until the store closed in 2007, in which I enlisted in the police force, and served as a SRU until March 2013, when I started looking for a new job.
OOC: I roleplay a security guard more than often, and I play a crowd control as SRU, so security is my main focus in Fearless.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I offer a unique security guard with experience, passiveness, but can also be forceful when needed. I can follow orders well, I am obedient, loyal, and committed.
What will you offer FUMUKU?
I will offer protection from those who wish to harm us, and I can offer supplies, security, chauffeuring, and perform missions that some may not be up to the task for.
Character Bio:
Antonio Romano was born in 1984 in Back Bay in Boston, USA. He was born rather wealthy, until an unfortunate event where his father died. After turning 18, he went to college, and got a degree in human biology. After college, he got a job at a high-end jewelry store, the establishment was forced to close after a major stock drop. Desperate for money, he went to the police academy, training to be a Strategic Response Unit. After becoming one, he stuck with the job for Nearly 6 years, then, he quit, looking to tie up loose ends and be apart of something greater.

[Image: zh8NwE9.png]
Out of Character Information

Steam Name:[FL:RP] AmbientEcstasy

Steam ID:that1guyoverthere

Your Age:18

Hours on server:207

RP Events you have been in:VaultRP,FalloutRp,ZombieApocalypseRP,and a few others

RP Point Amount:2 or 3

Ban History on Fearless RP:I believe 2, both were around a Day each.


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for:Fumuku International Security Division


Full Name:Richard Weir Albright

All Nicknames:Ambient,Xeno


Date of Application:5/18/2013


Date of birth: 7/15/1988

Gender: M

Place of Birth:Trinidad,Colorado

Telephone Number:264-1072


Driver's License Number:L025189557


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address:1948 Mayview Drive

Zip code:----


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)


Zip code:----


Why are you applying?
I am in need of a job as I have just moved to EvoCity. Helping people or protecting them from harm has been something that I have enjoyed and makes me feel like I am being part of society.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I worked for Senator John Matthews on his security staff.I have experience with firearms and I am quick on response.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I do my job well with minimal to no error.Very adaptable to my working environment and will bring good to the company.

What will you offer FUMUKU?
Undivided attention,Any service that I can offer to the company,any needs that may come with the jobs that I am assigned.

Character Bio:
Richard Weir Albright, Born in the slums in Trinidad, Colorado.He was raised by his father when his mother passed away from Pneumonia when he was 3.He grew up in a very violent neighborhood, regularly getting into fights just to survive. He ended up finishing highschool at an early age and went on to work on security forces, starting from bars and stores,then concerts, and ended up with a job protecting the state Senator. Media ended up getting word about an affair the Senator was having which ruined the Senator's career which in turn made Richard lose his job.Richard has now moved to EvoCity to try and start a fresh life with a new environment.
Application Review in process, expect the results within 24hrs
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
If you aren't official, you should add the [unofficial] tag. It doesn't say your name on the official "forum" so that's why I'm just saying this.
Kind Regards,
(05-20-2013, 09:10 AM)myfloodify Wrote: If you aren't official, you should add the [unofficial] tag. It doesn't say your name on the official "forum" so that's why I'm just saying this.
We've been official for quite some time, mate. Our "official clan page" was deleted when our clan was closed for whatever reason the majority had to offer. If you haven't noticed, one of the last comments came from before your time here.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
No you are no longer official, the tag shall remain until you are re-promoted.
The following 3 users Like Termin's post:
  • DoomDude1, Narc, Floodify
Can I ask why we are considered "unofficial"?
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
As requested by BlackDog; please find enclosed a draft copy of the FUMUKU employment contract.

Spoiler: FUMUKU corporation Contract and terms.

FUMUKU Contract of employment.

You the person seeking to be employed by FUMUKU corporation, do so agree to all terms contained here-within, FUMUKU corporation unreservedly reserves the right to enforce all conditions contained within by any and all legal means possible, and may do so at any time without prior notice. FUMUKU corporation reserves the right to terminate your employment for breach of the contract terms contained within without notice or compensation of any loss caused by FUMUKU corporations actions.

S:1 Conditions of employment for FUMUKU corporation.
1) You must be of appropriate age to be employed, if found to have falsified any evidence, form or document, your employment will be terminated immediately.
2) You must have a clean criminal record, if found to have falsified any evidence, form or document, your employment will be terminated immediately.
3) You may not work for any agency or company as well as FUMUKU corporation if found to have falsified any evidence, form or document, your employment will be terminated immediately.
4) You must follow all instructions from senior officials at FUMUKU who will be named in the contract, unless the instructions are illegal or expressly damaging to FUMUKU corporation. If you attempt to use this term as a means to commit illegal or damaging acts, your employment will be terminated, and you will be held solely liable, FUMUKU corporation reserves the right to seize your assets to compensate any loss, and to detain and transfer you to the correct law authority.
5) Entering a restricted area, by restricted area FUMUKU corporation refers to the security clearance system, will result in immediate termination of employment.
6) Assaulting another member of FUMUKU corporation will result in immediate termination of employment, as will actions of larceny or any other illegal act against FUMUKU corporation.
7) You may not engage in any other type of business be it personnel or commercial on FUMUKU property.
8) FUMUKU corporation reserves the right to alter and or/change this notice without prior notice, your attention will be drawn to the amended document.
9) FUMUKU corporation reserves the right to terminate employment and seize your assets if you are found to be engaged in any illegal activity including but not limited to, assisting criminals, car theft, murder, distribution of narcotics, and the sale of stolen goods, this list is not exhaustive.
10) FUMUKU reserves the right to terminate your employment if you are found to be stealing office supplies and we will exhaust no measure to recompense our loss.
11) Harassment of FUMUKU staff will result in immediate employment termination.

S:2 Conditions of contracting FUMUKU corporation.
1) FUMUKU corporation will not be held liable for any loss of life or damage to property resultant from our services.
2) You agree by employing FUMUKU corporation that; you are not engaged in illegal activities, attempting to slander or defame FUMUKU corporation, or that you are a fugitive or connected to a criminal fraternity, this list is not exhaustive.
3) FUMUKU corporation will not assault law officers who are acting lawfully in the pursuit of a warrant, we will do everything to assist them, if you are found to be in the possession of illegal goods or wanted for a crime, FUMUKU corporation reserves the right to detain you by any methods necessary and to assist the relevant legal agencies in their duties. Furthermore we reserve the right to compensate FUMUKU corporation for any loss we sustain whilst under your employment.
4) Failure to follow directives issued by FUMUKU corporations agents will result in contract termination, if you hire our services we expect you to follow our directions on the matter, failure to do so will be recognised as you no longer requiring our services. In this event the contract will be deemed to be fulfilled and no compensation will be issued.

S:3 Exclusion of liability for FUMUKU corporations' services when contracted.
1)FUMUKU corporation will not held liable howsoever for any loss resultant of your criminal intentions or failure to follow instruction, neither will be liable for loss of life, dismemberment, incineration, exposure to toxic substances, death, maiming, or any action so resultant from our contractual services.

S:4 Exclusion of liability for FUMUKU corporations' employees.
1)FUMUKU corporation will not be found liable for any loss of limb, death or injury caused through the course of your employment, you accept any and all risks 'volenti non fit injuria' due to the nature of our work. If you are so injured FUMUKU corporation will act in good faith to maintain your health and ensure rehabilitation and any medical treatments required are provided.
This list is not exhaustive.

S:5 Actions FUMUKU corporation may undertake pursuant to a breech of contract.
1) FUMUKU corporation reserves the right to seize any and all assets pursuant to a breech of contract, to compensate FUMUKU corporation for any and all losses.
2) If you are found to be defaming, stealing from or threatening FUMUKU corporation, we reserve the right to; seize any and all assets to prevent such defamation or threat and to recompense any loss FUMUKU corporation so experiences.
3) If you attack FUMUKU corporation, in any manner, we reserve the right to take all meaningful action in that eventuality without prior notice to defend our corporation, and our reputation.
4) If your employment has been terminated with FUMUKU corporation, you must return all articles or equipment provided to you that are still in your possession, failure to do so will mean, FUMUKU corporation may act to recover sensitive equipment and or data, equipment and recompense any loss we experience howsoever caused by your employment termination, this is not limited to detention of your person, searching your property, and seizure of assets.

S:6 Price of services of FUMUKU corporation.
This section will be added by the managing director of FUMUKU corporation.

By Employing or being employed by FUMUKU corporation you agree to all the terms above unreservedly.

Yours faithfully Z. Massani director of FUMUKU legal services. I.D 1335.

The following 2 users Like Eisenhorn's post:
  • Moisty, Toxic
Would be in a better mood if we weren't all of a sudden considered unofficial though being around for a much longer period of time than most offical clans.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
(05-20-2013, 04:04 PM)Toxic Wrote: Can I ask why we are considered "unofficial"?

As your clan forums are gone and I am now basing official clans on RP aspect, therefore I will make a decision whether to re-promote in time.

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