Your name: Bizze

Your ban ID:31997
Banned by: [FL] Jokhah

Reason: sexual harassment

Involved: Me,Admin, and a girl

Why we should unban you: I was in Burger King and there was a Girl and i showed with my physiks gun on her and then in the kitchen in BK and asked her if she can cook me something. And then a Admin was behind me and sayd "Really"? and gave me a one week ban for sexual harassment,but whats so bad on it when i ask her to cook me something? i hope that is a big mistake and i get unbanned

You guys were already warned to stop harassing her. Slurping sounds and all sorts of other nonsense. When you mature, hopefully you'll understand how your supposed to treat a lady. Or if not, hopefully you go to jail for being a sicko.
i didnt get warned :o, but idk why you call it a "sexual harassment" when i ask she nicely if she can cook me something? i accept it that it wasnt nice from me but
i think one week is a log time for just asking that question

Sorry to her if she should read this.
You sir are a big liar

I was a Police Officer at the time, so your story about asking for food from me is obviously made up. You never asked me for any food, and what you basically said was something along the lines of: Oh wow a girl, you shouldn't be playing videogames.

When I was trying to ignore you and leave the area, you proceeded to follow me. Another Officer tazed you for harrasing me which I didn't ask for or wanted, but that's why you decided to call an admin because you beleived he had tazed you unjustfully. While waiting for an admin to show up, you and a friend of yours started making weird slurping noises while crouching down infront of me and the other Officer. When one of the admins showed up you immediatly stopped, and started yelling about the taze. That's when I think Jokhah decided to step in and ask about the slurping noises, which you of course denied, though probaly more than 5 people witnessed you doing it. I believe Jokhah did the right thing by banning you, because you were basically discriminating, harassing and generally being annoying. Though of course it's not my decision whether that's a bannable offense or not but now that you are so blatantly lying I don't see why you expect to be unbanned.

I want to give you some advice for the future. If you've done something bad, take responsebility for your actions and admit your wrong-doing - that way people are more likely to forgive and respect you. But you lying so cowardly like that is only gonna earn you distrust and losing respect. Just my two cents, take em or leave em.

Apology not accepted until you tell the truth.
the most of this what you talking about was my friend....In Burger King i didnt get tazed:o..(if you dont trust me check the logs)his name is Afolord. There was so many people! I just came in and asked you,and you just sayd to your cop friends lets go from here or something. I already asked my friend cuz he told me that he make some scary noises to you and told me that he was the guy who gets warned.
You were there when the warning was issued. You were making slurping sounds in your mic. I was there the whole time bro. I didn't just fly away, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not an idiot. Denied.

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