When do/did you get out of school?
Just wondering, I get out, I think June 8th and just wanted to see who I could celebrate with the day I get home, wondering who I can play with, for how long, etc. Kinda fun Tounge I wanna see if anyone gets out ridiculously early/late. Take care everyone, hang in there Wink

EDIT: I get out on the ninth. Totally forgot! We go camping Cheese
17th of June and I'll be free, yay.

And then all free until september!! Weeeheeeheeeee! Cheese
I don't have a FL signature...
But look! I have BACON!

[Image: bacon.png]
Guys, this thursday is my last day of lessons! Ever! Study leave starts then, and from then on I only have to go into school for exams, which is, to be honest, better than the pointless lessons... My last exam is on June the 21st, and then there is no school work of any kind until 6th form (No more compulsary school Cheese Only stuff I WANT to do now!)

Happy face > Smile
23th june....
I think college ends on the 27th at a guess but if i finish all my work i can go early Smile
22. july. I will go for holiday to Turkey for 10 days Smile . FL will miss me Sad
25th july ....
July 25th?! That is UNHEARD OF here, the latest I have heard here is like June 27th and even that is total bullshit. THat is awful, mid july.
I think around start of July or someting
Well guys, everyone have a good summer, I am transferring schools so wish me luck... Private school to public and tbh I am scared as hell.

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