Traficlights - Are they serverside or clientside?
The title prettey much sums up the question...
Traficlights - Are they serverside or clientside?
There was a law that driving through red lights was a fine of $100 and people kept giving the excuse that 'it was green for me'.
Kind Regards,

I was told that a few admins did a test to find that they are infact serverside.
Many thanks,
SamuelFTW / Aing

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:45455941&b=3]
They are serverside, it change same time for all.
Did test this with friends.
I always stop people from red lights. I don't think they would be client side though. As none has complained that they didn't run a red light.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Server side.
Yes, I always use them for street races.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:15472195&b=9]
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I would have thought they were serverside. It was only until this discussion started up on v33x I started to wonder.
They are placed by the map, and therefore they are serverside.
[Image: EglEnZU.gif]
Answered, never paid much attention to them myself. Tounge

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