Ozman's Goodbye
Hey guys,
I am leaving Fearless. I didn't join the servers for more than a month now, Mainly becouse I lost my intrest in Gmod. Aslo, many of the great RPers left.
And I need to concentrate on school and other IRL things.

I've learned here to RP, but also how to speak proper English. I want to thank you all for this.

Maybe I'll come back once, but for now:
Bye bye and we hope you'll come back!
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Goodbye. I wish you the best in the future and I do hope you will return.

See you soon!
Sad to see you leave mate.

Take care.
Sad to see you leave, goodbye.
Take care, hopefully you return soon.
Lead by example.
Goodbye, good luck with your school work.
Me 2 learna Ingrish her guuda
Goodbye what more I can say
[Image: image.png]
Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk

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