Best RP moment ever
Gun fights with Rebels with big guns and unlimited cops with small guns is so much more epic and more intense. I say if there is a raid on the nexus, police should forget NLR and keep attacking the rebels, i mean, it is a PD HQ, and there would be more than 6 cops inside.
hahhaha roflmfao XD
It was so freakin' awesome the last part! xD.. --> :Ð :Þ :þ ......... >.<
hahh yea hahaha xD
Hey, you forgot me. I was there too.
(08-08-2010, 05:55 PM)Reckst4r Wrote: Hey, you forgot me. I was there too.
have you ever been at the server for that long?? xD i seriously dont remember you being there.. i even wrote down who was there at that time and didnt write you down.. Tounge
It could be cool to know what that police guy had in hes head when we stood there! xD
ROFLMFAO maybe he thought it was a surprice party xD
My best rp experience was today. Me and a full team of rebels tried to raid the mayor 3 times (none we broke nlr) then the mayor got fed up of us and sent all the fbi and cops after us, we held the slum garage for alteast half a hour before they take paven and killed most of us.

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