Reason for banning
Your name: The Dawg_

[b]Your ban ID: 23020

[b]Banned by: [FL:M] Salinsky

: Ok as i have only been banned for a day i know i cant make a unban request but i need to ask why i was banned, i was out side the nexus as a hobo with the hobo set up when my nephew ran into the room, cause he and my brother had just came over so he wanted to play minecraft on the xbox so i sat in a seat and switched setting to my xbox on while he playd i every known again just pressed W,A,S,D so i didn't get kicked for AFk, when 25-30 minuets later i came back and i was banned for prop killing.
i just don't understand why?

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the admin.) unknown sorry

I do not know where else to post this so please do not have ago at me if there is a place but if there is i would be happy to know Smile

Also if i did kill anyone it was not by purpose as i was AFK
You propkilled yourself on purpose.
i was afk, i did not prop kill my self by purpose?

i was on the xbox, every few minuets i pushed my mouse of pressed wasd but i did not pick up a prop and kill my self

i was playing with my 3 other friends at the time untill it went for a while
I was on the server at the time and was also in Skype with him, he was AFK for about 30 minutes so how could have he killed himself? there seems to be a hole in your plot Mr. Admin...
Logs do not lie.

Quick edit:
As for the skyping, I'm fairly sure that this is considered metagaming.

i do not lie either, i might have died of hunger but i no as a fact, i have become a responsible member of the sever and i wouldn't not lie to admin/mods. But you have to believe me that i didn't i was on the xbox with my nephew who came round to say happy birthday
(01-30-2013, 10:01 PM)georgeebizzle Wrote: metagaming?

i do not lie either, i might have died of hunger but i no as a fact, i have become a responsible member of the sever and i wouldn't not lie to admin/mods. But you have to believe me that i didn't i was on the xbox with my nephew who came round to say happy birthday
I saw you propkill yourself and doublechecked the logs. I'm not going to discuss this any further.
i don't want to be rude but you ARE wrong.

so i get banned for being afk basically. -_-
No, you got banned for purposely, willingly and knowingly, breaking the server rules by propkilling yourself.
i was playing minecraft with my nephew, i did not "willingly" kill my self with props, me and my nephew made a world on minecraft, he was showing me how to do everything i already known, i WANTED to go back on gmod but he really wanted to stay on minecraft so i didnt mention anything

im not calling you a lyer by the way i just trying to tell you my point of the story Smile so dont take anything the wrong way

i just want to ask how dd i kill my self?

i would like to know because it seems weird Smile

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