Unban Request: Daizy. Apologize
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
Your name: [FL:RP] Daizy

Your ban ID: 19609

Banned by: Adman

Reason: Steam Profile Ban Request 22607 Approved - "Random deathmatch." -15th ban, time to go. Perm issued.

Involved: Taxi Driver in Video, Ryder

Why we should unban you: I have learn my lesson my 2 weeks in bans is been boring trying play some anothers rp servers but them all sucks. I have Miss Fearless rp and i apologize my behavior in the servers, i have read rules and im ready to rp! Ryder im really sorry when i kill you. And whole server. Everyone Im very sorry and Happy New Year!!! By:[FL:RP] Daizy Heart
I don't see any reason to unban you.

You've waited 2 weeks, that is nothing in the grand scheme of things. You clearly failed to learn the rules and adapt to our play style, this is evident from your large ban count. If I am being perfectly honest I don't see you as a player we want around here, you persist in aggressive actions and breaking rules.
i have understand. i have learn my lessons if i will be admin i will says same to what you says. But i have learn my lesson
(12-31-2012, 05:52 PM)Dj Genu$//Desssuuu(fin) Wrote: if i will be admin i will says same to what you says.

Too soon to even consider this.

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