Demoted from Moderator.
You were a very good moderator. A short lived fame, though. It's sad to see you demoted and if it were by my decision, I'd let you off the hook.
Rules are rules, though. As small as they can be, you trip and there's no stopping the fall.

I'd hope to see you take another position in the future, but only time will tell.
Sorry for flaming so much. When things are unfair and not done by justice, my fuse runs out pretty quickly. As you can probaly tell I am greatly dissapointed and angry at the decision to demote Salinsky. It was the last straw for me so to speak. I feel it was unfair and he should indeed have been left off the hook.

I would ask that at least Equalizer (who is also a mod I might add) to grow up and not call me names so childishly. He also falsely claims to have taught me how to roleplay and behave, yet that is not true. Yes he taught me how to put down a keypad (Yes I'm a newbie at building, but not roleplaying thanks very much) Here I thought moderators were supposed to be the role images and all that, yet here's a grand example. Mr Equalizer the name calling bully.

Anyways I would like to leave some constructive feedback for you guys which I've been thinking about for some time.

Here it is:

Before I leave the community I would like to give some constructive feedback to the team. To prevent an unfair and silly demotion like Salinsky's again. If they would be so kind to at least consider it for the sake of everyone on the server.

A system of 3 people to administer who gets promoted/demoted from the moderators team (maybe even admins team?)

These 3 people would consist of:

A regular player without any privileges, a mod, an admin.

The regular player would be able to supply feedback to the mod and admin about how the general community/playerbase feels about the current administrative work being done on the different servers. Also supplying feedback as to which moderators might need to be demoted or promoted.

The mod would supply feedback as to which players might be fit for a promotion or demotion.

The admin would supply feedback on all of these.

Then they would all 3 vote on whether someone needs to be promoted/demoted. If 1 or 2 disagrees it won't go through. All 3 have to agree in order for a promotion/demotion to be made.

The team would be switched out with 3 new people every 2-3 months or so, to prevent favouritism.

Applications for all 3 positions could be done on the forum. Applicants for the regular player spot would need a certain amount playtime on the server and a certain amount of rp points as well to prevent any minges/unserious applicants from getting the position.

An application could look like this:

Playtime on the server:
RP Points:
Why you want this position:

Then everyone on the server would be able to vote for who gets the positions. Including new players, old players, mods, admins, your grandmom, etc etc.

Democracy and not Dictatorship basically Wink

So basically it would end up like this:

Regular Player, Mod and Admin all gets together atleast twice in a month to discuss the promotion/demotion of mods (admins?) They would also be able to discuss serious abuse reports.

Then every 2-3 months there would be a new team voted in to replace the previous 3.

You would need to have been off the team for atleast 6 months (more/less?) beforing being able to apply for a spot again if you so wish.

Feel free to put your own input/suggestions.
The following 2 users Like Nyxeify's post:
  • Ne0ster, Ryder
My lord...
He broke the server rules for moderators/admins, What is there to argue about?
The following 2 users Like trouserlessliam's post:
  • equal, equal
Be happy! It's gotta suck not being able to RP without 800 @requests!
You were a good mod the few times i was on! you taught players rules and helped out!
(12-18-2012, 03:37 AM)trouserlessliam Wrote: My lord...
He broke the server rules for moderators/admins, What is there to argue about?

The possibility that other administrators or moderators might have done the same thing without punishment/getting away with it.
Sad to see you demoted dude.
You did really good as a moderator..
I am sorry for you. :/
Really sad to see you being demoted. You were always a great help to me and The Raccoon when we were playing. Well hope you get your rank back sometime in the future.
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

(12-18-2012, 05:04 AM)mono Wrote:
(12-18-2012, 03:37 AM)trouserlessliam Wrote: My lord...
He broke the server rules for moderators/admins, What is there to argue about?

The possibility that other administrators or moderators might have done the same thing without punishment/getting away with it.

Keyword: "Possibility". also, if you see that make a complaint, simple. There is already too much hating on FL withot more being spread.
Salinsky, you were amazing!

On sunday we had a good time, and that was not even breaking the rules, they don't even have a good reason in order to kick you from your position as moderator.

Im really upset that this has happened, and i hope that you will somehow be able to once again become one, as its unfair for someone to do that to you, since your a good moderator!

Best of luck; Commander Fi5h :))
Wow.. Salinsky was the moderator that moderated v33x for hours when he first got appointed the job. He made v33x a minge proof server during his time as a moderator. Sad to see him get demoted Sad

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