Suggest Fix Forum layout -minor (bug)
Title of Suggestion: Fix black bar left top,

hey, since the new forum layout, what I like. I love it tbh great work.

but there is this little small problem with layout that destroys it for me Tounge vieuw the photo here:
[Image: ZVOzD.png]

Its the part left up, at the name section, it creates 2 lines, but they won't fit in the black bar?

reason ^^

+/- support

It's a bit off, but not exactly priority.
(11-15-2012, 07:17 PM)Johnny the Hedgehog Wrote: +/- support

It's a bit off, but not exactly priority.

its not a priority at all,
but if the forum get a new template. make it 100% good and not 80%

its just a little mistake caused by a double line that doesn't have space.
+ Support.
It's fine for me, try zooming out a little, by using Ctrl + mousewheel.

[Image: 1nL8Q.jpg]
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
zooming out is not a option, its fine with u cause your namer is short. when u get longer names, it will use a double line. and the template is created for a single one.
(11-15-2012, 07:54 PM)Midget Wrote: It's fine for me, try zooming out a little, by using Ctrl + mousewheel.

[Image: 1nL8Q.jpg]

You have 110 private messages? holy dang...
I have the very same issue.

I don't have the issue, but it would be annoying if I did.

Don't really think 'supports' are needed. Tounge

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