A very Dylanesque goodbye v2
And by leaving I mean the forums (as I had already made a goodbye thread).
I can sense the happiness flowing among you!

In the somewhat short time I've been here, I've in average had at least 2 or 3 arguments with every other member of this community. Most of them ended horridly. It's become so bad that I've even gotten a reputation for being a total asshole and starting arguments wherever I go. Not that I can argue with that, I absolutely love arguments and I encourage you to start some here in this very thread (it always saddens me, when an interesting talk of a person, negative or not, is suddenly shut down by admins because OP found it offensive. I enourage it here).

You'd probably think the reason for my leaving is because I have such a horrid reputation and that is not fun Sad While that'd probably be true if I played on the server, truth is I really don't care what my reputation is. After I'd left the server I'd no ambitions of making friends with anyone because, not to offend anyone, but I really just liked this forum for the debates (and that it reminded me so terribly much of the community I was on, 'till it closed).

But the reason for my leaving is of an entirely other. I'll be staying at a different community.

With that said and done, it is with slight melancholia that I leave you. I enjoyed my many-a debates with the lot of you and I will genuinely miss pissing of Tomorrow. At the very least, my time on this here forums has taught me a great many important things, not the least of which is to not care what others think of you 'round these parts (PR is a pretty big thing in Gmod communities, mess with one guy you messed with his friends, etc.) You should stand up for your opinions, controversial as they may be (which we all know I'm no stranger to here).

With that said and done, let the arguments begin!

Ps. I allow both negative and positive thoughts on me, I will not have any views, offensive to anyone as they may be, removed unless they infringe upon the rules.

PPs. I might be commenting on one or two threads after the posting of this thread, but that is likely only because I've already started an argument there I need to finish (Discord's goodbye, for one).
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Well, goodbye Dylan.

Contrary to many other's viewpoints I generally enjoyed watching you on the forums, and admire your ability to put your point across and point out fallacies flawlessly.

Farewell, and good luck with whatever lies ahead.
Goodbye Dylan. Your arguments, as often as they have been, have proven valid points and excellent logic.

May fortune smile upon your future endeavours!
Even though we've had our fights it's still a shame that you're leaving, Dylan.
Your posts were always on point and it's good to see somebody appreciate good grammar.

Good luck further on.
Encourage debates/arguments or not
I was always against it and always will
Just about 2,5 month ago this community started to fall apart, seeing how people been pissing the shit out of each other
And I am thankful that those who encouraged it, are either gone or are banned from forums
Not that I am to be dramatic but I'd only wish to see a very bright future of this community
Seeing how many senior members left got a hit on to me

You did pissed me off, a lot by doing it on your enjoyable purpose. Always imagined you like some kind if a sadist by being incredibly hypocritical, because if what I got banned at first time. You decided then to pretend as if you don't remember that but failed in my eyes to

There were times when you had a good points at a certain arguments a d I agreed with them
But I will still say that I was never happy with you being in this community
Don't really care how people here will look at me after they see me writing this
But I cannot just lay and say that I liked you in any way

Whatever it is you are actually aiming to
Good luck with it
THIS is the kind of goodbyes I like!

(10-23-2012, 07:47 PM)Tomorrow Wrote: You did pissed me off, a lot by doing it on your enjoyable purpose. Always imagined you like some kind if a sadist by being incredibly hypocritical, because if what I got banned at first time. You decided then to pretend as if you don't remember that but failed in my eyes to

Y'know, you really don't understand the definition of hypocrisy/hypocrite. I actually think I copy-pasted the definition once to you, but it seems you have let that copy paste go unheeded.

1. How is it hypocritical of me, if I can't remember I got you banned (which I fucking didn't, I don't control what you say, you do. If you start insulting me, you are entirely to blame).

2. Uh, what if I genuinely didn't remember that "I got you banned"? Quotation marks is to point out that I did, in fact, not get you banned. You got yourself banned. Cause I genuinely didn't remember you got banned, but I absolutely loved it, when I found out.

Furthermore, you oppose my inciting arguments as if it was a bad thing? An argument is merely an exchange of differing viewpoints, albeit usually heated (but that just means both sides are passionate about their case). There is a difference between fights and arguments, learn it now.

Ps. I guess I am kind of a sadist, but usually only towards those who have deserved it in my opinion (look up Capt. Mathias' goodbye thread for a good example).
Ah , F'uck. Always the guy I liked watching arguing with people. Thank you for making all the entertaining arguments Dylan! Bye man
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
(10-23-2012, 08:19 PM)Captain Mathias Wrote: Theres no thread without a flame-war. everbody starts hatein' all the time


Goodbye.. Good luck whatever you choose to do

He was only voicing his opinion about me, negative or not I encouraged it and stand by it.
Well goodbye and i wish you the best of luck in the future although i may not have known you to well and not really enjoyed your essence around here on the forums to much i still wish you the best of luck and a goodbye
Your's Sincerely
Foxy The Pirate

Goodbye Dylan, I have to second what StillAlive said and you're sometimes only one who is making sense in posts

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