the Life of a Paramedic
hey guys,

I ussaly play a cop for 1 reason: its playable in a sort of RP way
I accruly REALY want to play a paramedic but there are a few problems to it.

Reason 1: He should be able to do more. I had a idea, that he could rez ppl by using a kinda ARREST tool ,as the cop has, to teleport the dead guy into the van and then drive him to the hospital. When the van drives onto a certain place the dead guy in the back gets automatacly rezed in one of the hospital rooms.
This would be very good for ppl because NRL would not apply. Of cource the medic would have to get him into the truck before he spawns. Also the dead guys shold be able to spawn when in the truck incase the truck gets lost or some guy thinks its funny to trap ppl in his van.

Reason 2: let me tell you about the life of a paramedic. Here is a dialoge that accures about every 10 minutes to a medic:

You: Oh, someone seems to want to talk to me . I should pull over.

you pull over and the guy comes up to your ambulance

You: you need something?

Guy: Heal me now! I need heal

You: well where are you injured?

Guy: Shutt up with yer RP I need heal . HEal me or I shoot you

You: sorry but I cant heal you when I dont know where your wound is

Guy: you MOther fucker HEal me with yer kit now or I shoot you in head

you: sir, please, this temper is not needed. find another medic to heal you, Bye

BAM BAM.........

screen pops up if you accept the NRL.

The End

I would love to hear some stuff from you guys and maybe the admins and coders of fearless can add things they like
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This could be explained better and more Deph but I agree on most of it, The Paramedic can't do much and people don't want to wait for the paramedic to roleplay his job properly and just want a quick and easy heal. I've only seen a few people RP the paramedic out and I really wish the Paramedic had more than just a Healing tool. Maybe the time of healing could be increased to like 1 minute to full heal someone?

+ Support.
I agree, any paramedic RP will surely encounter difficulties with people who just want a quick and easy heal.
Perhaps an added tool of some sort, or several changes in the healing tool he has?
I think that the body in the van thing might be a bit tricky, many players will just want to respawn quickly, not hang around for an RP event.
I actually support the idea, would like to see something of the sort implemented.
Ok firstly, if you feel you have a suggestion, it is best to make a proper thread here -

Otherwise, I shall say to you what I have said to others who suggest improvements to the medical systems.

(09-28-2012, 05:42 PM)Adman Wrote: This cannot be implemented on it's own.

Ideally, this would be a part of a whole revamp of the entire damage and medical system on the server, implementing past suggestions regarding more realistic ways of dying and dealing with the injured.

To be honest, it is up to the people, and someone who has the time to come up with a huge (and it would be huge) suggestion that changes the entire system, if they want to go along the line of a more developed roleplay server. I raise this because if only certain parts of implemented with only certain scenarios taken into consideration, such as Dylan pointing out gunshots would lead to blood loss too, then the whole thing would be in gradual steps of constant progression due to x does this, but it could happen to y too.

It would be best to stop, create an entirely new system, and then work on this before introducing things here and there. On this point itself, I am neutral.

The alternative is of course, to simply keep things as they are.

I take this from my recent reading of a different suggestion to alter the medical/injury system of the server. The specific words above are different, but the idea is the same.
Oh I see, party pooper.
I was just making a suggestion I just see that the paramedic need some addons. I just started the discussion and would love to see some ideas from you guys. And if the admins/coders like something they can implement it. Everyone happy.
so please we dont need your interlectual chitt-chatt and why we can not talk about these things



it was only a fuse, a idea. a IDea that can be implemented somehow in a other way MAYBE.
I just want to see what others think about this because I think if the passive classes could do abit more / also meaning some sort of defence, PAssive RP would be more capable because you would not be disturbed by all the minges.
(10-06-2012, 07:50 PM)Grayhawk Wrote: Oh I see, party pooper.
I was just making a suggestion I just see that the paramedic need some addons. I just started the discussion and would love to see some ideas from you guys. And if the admins/coders like something they can implement it. Everyone happy.
so please we dont need your interlectual chitt-chatt and why we can not talk about these things



it was only a fuse, a idea. a IDea that can be implemented somehow in a other way MAYBE.
I just want to see what others think about this because I think if the passive classes could do abit more / also meaning some sort of defence, PAssive RP would be more capable because you would not be disturbed by all the minges.

Hmm, someone being a little immature? In no way was I suggesting that your idea not be implemented, I was advising you to carry out things as usual; the suggestions and bugs forum is for things just like this. And 'interlectual chitt-chatt'? What sort of phrase is that? Just because you yourself struggle to write a properly structured sentence using correct grammar doesn't mean you need to offend someone who does, how is being 'intellectual' a fault in any way?

Everyone here was agreeing with what you stated, if you had read my post (and actually understood it) you would have realised I wasn't entirely disagreeing with you either. You also state 'why can we not talk about these things', where does it say, in this entire thread, that we cannot talk about these things?

'THEY SHOULD DO WHAT IS SAID NOW!!!!!' Indeed, and in-fact this was not in any of my reasoning either.

So before you yourself go on a tandem regarding the first person who in any way criticised your ideas (That will happen a lot here, anywhere in fact) it is best that you try and formulate a proper argument instead of simply throwing a low swing and acting like a five year old.

'party pooper' and 'interlectual chitt-chatt' prove my point quite well.
I do hate people who cannot RP with paramedics, if they start killing you, take a screenshot and post a ban request.
Adman, sorry I might have overreacted a bit, yesterday was NOT my day :L.
How I understood your text we should only open such threads when we have a basic idea of how to change such things. Well mister Adamns I am sorry but not all of us have any knowlage about what CAN be coded and what CAN'T be. I just want to open this thread to see
1. if anyone thinks the same about this topic
2. HOPEING that the coders could see some ideas to implement to the paramedic.

I have only got english origins (half Brit) but live in Germany, so my grammar and spelling is not the best. And if I have not understood your text correctly please explain it to me in a bit more understanding way.
Tip: might want to outline your arguments so people can follow better. NOTE: its only my oppinion

Thanks, I will but probably make mass ban request so I dont need to tab out every half hour to wirte a ban request Tounge Finnaly I know how to take screens with the handy

so do you guys have any ideas what could be implemented?
MAybe a few of you have coding expierience and know what can be done and what can't.

I want to hear Cheese

JEha but ppl who want to get back in the battle quickly would like this idea because they dont need to wait 5minutes for NRL and can get right back in. as the hospital is not in town it also does not make gunfights inpossible to end then the van can:
1. only transport 1 person
2. he first has to dirve there
3.the guy needs to get back ( okey probably the medic will give him a lift)
4. a paramedic cant get everyone up again

jeha instead of a TF2 heal tool where you gradually heal up you could have more of a L4D bandage where he has a casttime and then heals a chunk of life back
(10-07-2012, 08:46 AM)Grayhawk Wrote: -snip-

People tend to understand my arguments well enough.

This isn't so much about what is able to be coded, in fact, my post didn't mention the word code once. What you have suggested is actually more realistic than previous suggestions' capability. I still think you should make this into the suggestions and bugs section, perhaps tidy things up a little with the template, because this has a lot more ground to it than other suggestions I have seen before.

If you had trouble understanding what I said, I admit my quote was from a different context, then I shall summarise as simply as I can:-

Essentially, I tend to see a lot of suggestions for the medical system that offer a different way of doing something here and there. For example, blood loss on melee hits or even suggestions for implementing diseases. My counter-argument for those suggestions was that instead of offering x,y and z, it would be much more useful if someone (perhaps with coding experience) took the time to come up with an ENTIRELY new system.

What I mean by this, is that it would completely reshape the way the current system works. So instead of seeing a couple of suggestions a month, someone would take all of these suggestions, apply some coding experience and logic behind it to create an all-in-one suggestion.

Obviously, the alternative to that is to keep the system the way it is now and carry on suggesting little bits here and there.

I hope this makes things easier for you to understand.
Personally, sometimes I hate when people are too dependent on paramedics.

The doctors can also help you if you remember to buy health packs...

2 problems...

-Rarelly anyone goes paramedic, dunno why...

-Most doctors have the crazy idea of being a mad scientist instead of actually selling their stuff...

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