It's.... Story Time!
The moose survived the crash, then...
lay slowly drowning in a pool of his own blood, squeeling for help in a completely desolate area, the moose's last cries were directed towards his family and loved ones, his fur at the time caked in bloor and gore, the moose then realizes that nothing can help him, and knowing that his fate is now sealed he slowly shuts his eyelids, as he continously cries and bleeds, and succumbs to death, knowing all his glorious bacon has been decimated and therefore all his life work has been for nothing...

And? Cheese
Clan Needed Tounge
A man comes by and sees the bacon...

(And seriously? We shouldn't make a new story, we should delete all the posts containing shit. And carry on from where we left.)
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
(Why starting new one?)

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