Jack Henderson
Your name: Jack.henderson18 name i had before in game i cant remember i have been banned that long

Your ban ID: 9044

Banned by: Holdem

Server: The first one i cant remeber the name It was perma ban btw

Involved: Me and anthoer player it has been 5 months i cant remember alot
I am trully sorry for scamming i have been feeling bad about it for 5 months now after getting banned i went to find new rp server i found BYB rdm all the time so i left found another one so on so fourth then i was getting bored and said to my self i miss fearless alot.
I swear all the money i have i will give it to a admin to give to the player and all my guns i feel really bad and wish for a second chance i know scamming is bad but to be honest i didn't know i really didn't know i thought i dropped the hummer and he took it as soon as my parents called me to go visit my aunt i switched my pc off and when i return i have been perma banned i felt really bad and ashamed. I am sorry for any gramma mistakes as it is 1:30 am and im really tired. Please msg back asp If you would like to contact me on skype it can be arranged Smile
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It's been 3 months, not 5. Let's see what Holdem has to say.
Eh do you have any time scale holdem will come on to look?
Hi just wondering if you guys forgot about me?
I've tried contacting Holdem, but nothing really seems to work.
You've been banned for some time now and since you don't have more than 2 bans, I don't think anything would be wrong with an unban.
However if you scam again the perm will be reinstated.

User unbanned and thread moved to approved.

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