Christmas Give away
Yeah same, put me in ya hat, why is it pink ?
Like hell you're putting me in a hat !
-Signature removed-
Too late Senne, you're in my hat! >:3

It's pink Kenny bcz it's pink, it stood out against the other top hats <3
NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! I'm in a hat! D:
-Signature removed-
I need moneh to get the prezzies, for teh winnar ofc.
Put me in that magic hat of yours =P
Shark me in your hat noaw :-)
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

Meeee Cheese

- Torbæærn / Zoidberg Cheese
First post updated, read it.
Awesome !
Cheers mate Smile

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