FUMUKU International
Steam Name: Birdie
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:19445832
Your Age: 17
Hours on server: 260
RP Events you have been in: A lot. I try to participate whenever I can.
RP Point Amount: 7
Ban History on Fearless RP: 5 bans http://www.fearlessrp.net/bans/index.php

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Security Division

Full Name: Harry Brown
All Nicknames: Bird, Birdie, The Bird
Age: 24
Date of Application: 17/07/2012

Date of birth: 10/03/1988
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: My parents' home on the outskirts of EvoCity
Telephone Number: 01965 276276
Mobile: 07808 987243
Driver's License Number: BROWN878521456246

Current Residence
Address: Apartment 25, Flea Road
Zip code: WD45 7CJ

Suburb / City - Inner City/EvoCity

Previous Residence
Address: Apartment 11, Pool Lane
Zip code: WD25 5CC

Suburb / City Pool District/EvoCity

Why are you applying? I am also applying because of budget cuts in the Special Service. I have served in the Special Service for 4 years, after completing my military training in the Dutch Marines. I became jobless, and I want a new challenge. My neighbour (Adam Shepard) told me about a job offering at FUMUKU International.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? At the age of 18, I left high school because of a family issue. I had to take care of my sick mother for 6 months, and couldn't finish school because of that. When my mother became healthy again, I decided to join the Marine Corps in the Netherlands, where I completed my basic training. I am an excellent marksman, I handle any suspect or VIP with care, and I'm used to defending houses and protecting the people.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I am a great teamplayer, having served under Adam Shepard in the Special Service, he can vouch for my skills. As I stated above, I'm an excellent marksman and I know how to handle people and fit in with a huge crowd.

What will you offer FUMUKU? I offer a great personality, great marksmanship and compassion with citizens. I'm extremely good at following orders from my commanding officer, and want to improve my skills by advancing up the ranks of FUMUKU International.

Character Bio: (something my commander in the Netherlands wrote about me)
Harry Brown was top of his class in the Dutch Marine Corps, he finished all classes by averaging scores of 20% above other students. He's been fully qualified for duty in any Military or Private Military force in the world. I wish you all the best over there in EvoCity, Harry! Let's have a beer sometime.

Steam Name: Lonely Joey
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:23868065
Your Age: Im 16 years old.
Hours on server: 400 Hours.
RP Events you have been in: Wedding,Cinema,Tides hotel Rp, Guitar shop, Gardener, Moving firm,Daily planet & loads of other passive etc.
RP Point Amount: 10
Ban History on Fearless RP: I've been banned 5 times. http://www.fearlessrp.net/bans/index.php


Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Security Division

Full Name: Benjamin Taylor
All Nicknames: Ben,Benny,Benjamin,Hyde,Joey,Lonely
Age: 28 Years old.
Date of Application: 2012-07-17

Date of birth: May 24'th Year 1984
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Saint Mary Hospital
Telephone Number: Classified
Mobile: Classified
Driver's License Number: 9036 - 73 - 8190

Current Residence:
Address: 63 Askill Drive
Zip code: 77772
City: EvoCity

Previous Residence:
Address: EvoTown Burkling Street 4
Zip code: 81306
City: EvoVillage

Why are you applying? I want to enjoy life & this is one way of doing it.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? Ive been with the British Navy & therefor im almost a fully trained elite soldier.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I will make ordinary Rp's into something more, I will also be a valuable asset towards Fumuku and not just a "shoot first & ask later" kind of soldier.

What will you offer FUMUKU? My ideas, my budget of cars & guns, Rp in a hole new angle & the most important of all - Loyalty towards Fumuku & its members.

Character Bio: Benjamin Taylor is a friendly british young adult. Benjamin is 28 years old and enjoys being outdoors. His parents established a resturant outside of Evocity and that is how he knows so much about cooking & knives. Benjamin was trained by the British Navy but quit due to mission going wrong. Benjamin has no problems using guns but prefers to talk before acting and he acts as he wants to be threated. Benjamin is 6 feet tall and enjoys fysical training. Benjamin prefers using a long-range highpowered rifle but when he has to use shortrange rifles he preferes the Famas.The one thing that he's better at than shooting a long range rifle is driving. On his free time he spends his inherited wealth to have fun using any vehicle in his garage.

I can confirm that the above application of Harry Brown is true. I can vouch for him one hundred percent, he was a great member of my team whilst serving with the Special Service. I can also vouch for Benjamin Taylor whom I have seen in action as a brief member of the Special Service and also as a mercenary.

I hereby recommend Harry Bird (Birdie) and Benjamin Taylor (Lonely Joey) as being good all round soldiers and having good hearts, with extreme loyalty. They would be great additions to the team. I do however, respect any decision from the higher ranks not to recruit these members.
The following 1 user Likes Adman's post:
  • Hyde
Applications in review

ETA: 2 days.
Steam Name:omriedri
Steam ID:‪STEAM_0:1:28569760‬
Your Age:16.3
Hours on server:490
RP Events you have been in:Zombie invsion,Donut store,Coffe party,Concert,Pool Party,Dance Party,Race Event,Weddings,
RP Point Amount:13
Ban History on Fearless RP:3(actually 4 but it doesnt count-Lifted Before Expierd-)

Division you are applying for: Security

Full Name:omri edri
All Nicknames: Smoke,Race
Date of Application:19.7.12

Date of birth:26 /5 /1996
Gender: M
Place of Birth:israel
Telephone Number: None
Driver's License Number:5487-42-9547

Current Residence (ashdod,nort evnut)
Zip code:77671

Suburb / City :ashdod

Previous Residence (Tel-Aviv beyond life)
Address:Beyond 31/2
Zip code:74581


Why are you applying? i want to Role Play all day long,help people out.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? i worked at the Security of Evo City for long time,actually 12 years.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? i'm a Great RP Guy,i love to RP,i'm Rich,i help people out.

What will you offer FUMUKU? Cash (= haha no i'm joking,Alot of New RP Ideas.

Character Bio:Male,16 years old,Rich,Friendly Guy.
I am sorry but I am leaving the clan. I don't wish to specify why.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
(07-19-2012, 02:23 PM)Ruxandra Wrote: I am sorry but I am leaving the clan. I don't wish to specify why.

Forgot you were even with us, you never seemed to join in on anything.
The following 2 users Like Dubwub's post:
  • Flux, Moisty
look up at my form...
Race, they have to review them. He said before ETA = 2 Days.
If you think we are going to accept it with that amount of detail your high on crack.

Just saying.

Allow me to asspull a great example of an Application.

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Admanzz
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25877876
Your Age: 15
Hours on server: 220
RP Events you have been in: Not too many large ones, 1-2 but I try my best to RP whenever I can.
RP Point Amount: Unfortunately 0.
Ban History on Fearless RP: 1 Ban. http://www.fearlessrp.net/bans/index.php

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Security Division

Full Name: Adam 'Adman' Shepard
All Nicknames: Adman
Date of Application: 08/07/2012

Date of birth: 16/07/1985
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: The Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth
Telephone Number: 01965 268993
Mobile: 07808 563336
Driver's License Number: SHEPA803105AD96687

Current Residence
Address: Apartment 23, Flea Road
Zip code: WD45 7CJ

Suburb / City - Inner City/EvoCity

Previous Residence
Address: 111 Kensington Road
Zip code: WD23 5FK

Suburb / City Kensington/London

Why are you applying? I am applying due to recently being made redundant because of the economic turmoil. I have been in many fields but the military is where I belong, a job like this would offer a lifeline to me and my family and would prove beneficial to the firm.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? I applied to join the British Army at the ripe age of 16. I joined the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd Infantry Division. I adapted well before joining the Army Air Corps and at the age of 24, having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, applied to become a member of the Special Air Service, or the SAS. I passed the selection process first time and spent two years with one of the most prestigious special forces in the world. At the age of 26 I decided I wanted a change and moved to EvoCity, signing up for the Special Service division of the government. I was quickly promoted to the Head of Special Service before me and my men were made redundant in place of automated security. Here I am now.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? Apart from over ten years of military experience I am still only 27. I am extremely fit, having climbed Mount Everest being my greatest physical feat, and have great loyalty to my comrades. I have experienced leadership, having been the Head of Special Service, but this does not make me arrogant; I am willing to start from the ground up to prove my worth.

What will you offer FUMUKU? I offer great military experience, proven by my impeccable aim with a gun, but also compassion for people. I will try my best not to come across as hostile when dealing with clients and citizens and am capable of following orders well.

Character Bio: -Excerpt from the S.A.S recruitment report-
Adam Shepard is one of the best soldiers I have ever seen in this selection process. His physical strength and stamina is exceptional but many have this, what sets him apart from the rest is his aptitude to learn, his will to improve but also his humility and burning desire to be the best he can be. I see him going far.

Unforunately, my dealings with the S.A.S mean that various other parts of my life I am unable to disclose until the information has been declassified and adapted; which takes almost ten years.

Applications with these standards catch our eye. Your one doesn't, so don't tell me look at it, when its the equivalent of a dog shit on a sidewalk

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