Ban Request x3
Name of player:

Fillehh - STEAM_0:0:21790573
Apex - STEAM_0:0:28002903
Simoon - STEAM_0:1:13165123

Time in GMT: Yesterday at around 16:29 (according to screenshot & Recording)

Server: v2d

Summary: Bazooka301 and I were fishing at the lake, we had been there for a long time when we heard weapons equipping and reloading, we turned around to see the three corleones above (There were 4 corleones, but the Don was not there). We simply said Hi and when they started shooting, I hit record, bazooka had been killed by the time I was recording and we were on Teamspeak together. The video only shows two corleones, but when we turned around I remember seeing 3.

If the logs show them equipping weapons together it could prove their were three, if not, then I'm sure kills can be taken into account.


[Image: hl22012-07-1216-31-02-32.jpg]
(shows the three corleones after our death, excluding the don)
I need more evidence. You could have provoked them.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
We don't have any more evidence than this, unless bazooka's statement can be. We did not have any weapons and when I saw them I had to quickly holster my fishing rod, just in case I lost it. Bazoooka lost his. We literally turned around to see them pointing guns at us, and by the time Id holstered to start recording they had already started shooting. We did not provoke at all, we just turned around and they opened fire.

But I don't have any more evidence than this.
Ban request denied. The evidence isn't conclusive.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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