You can kill someone in a chair
[b]Title of Suggestion:You Can kill some one in a chair or you can die in a chair

[b]Description:In the title

[b]Why:I am tired of when you have a noob pres and you raid he sits in a chair and bamm not killable and i have also seen this when people sit and a chair and fall of nexus bridge because they don't want to wait in the elevator

+ or - the suggestion
i did't know u could do this :O!
+ this is needed in gmod 13 Cheese
Yea it would be way better then

this is needed!!!
You usally need to kill the president before his nlr'ing cops come back... and its impossible if he sits in a chair!
-/+ support
I am love the idea
But sometimes people random raid me
So the last thing to do is to hide i am do not use chair
But i guess it can make harder to post a ban request
[Image: image.png]
Thanks for you guys looking at this
Support all the way +++++Support
Huge +support.
I agree, this get's very annoying from past experience.


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