The FL Story
ok, so we are going to make a story, and trust me this story is going to be funny when it is doneTounge

so heres how you do it, you type 1 sentence and then wait for another guy/girl to type another sentence and keep this up until we got a story, so heres an example
and use a little imagination a tip is to write the first thing that pops into your headTounge
1st person: Once upon a time
2nd person: there was a:
3rd person: bank
and so on
PS. dont quote
since i made the topic, im going to make the first sentence^^

Once upon a time there was a
Abnormally large pubic hair who
had an afro and
Smoked lots of pot because
He was depressed. Why? You ask. Well...
he was suffering from a
rare case of pubic aids. The dope caused him to
fly an airplane and
eat dirt. Every time he ate dirt...
He would puke and bleed from ...

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