BBQ Sauce On Titties
Reported User(s): BBQ Sauce On Titties

Reported User's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86641676

Date & Time (GMT): 6/1/21 @ 00:55 GMT

Summary of the incident
Me and my friend were raiding a Villa and we took a Rebel hostage.  After police arrived, I started shouting that we have a hostage but police  decided to rush the Villa anyways. BBQ Sauce On Titties was the one to kill the hostage, and the other involved in that raid are:

Alahahah Snackbar STEAM_0:1:196993255
Olivier STEAM_0:1:36593205

[Image: 1E7MVTz.png]

Can you please upload more of the video please, the bit where this happend " I started shouting that we have a hostage but police decided to rush the Villa anyways"
Fearless Veteran 8^)
On the video you can see me talking in the right bottom corner and then typing on chat.
(01-06-2021, 05:29 PM)Walusek Wrote: On the video you can see me talking in the right bottom corner and then typing on chat.

Can you upload the video with sound?
Fearless Veteran 8^)
I can, but my microphone is unfortunately not captured. But you can clearly see that I were talking in the voice chat for a long period of time.
There was definitely no indication of a hostage a simple police request may have changed the circumstances for you I had personally arrived late to the scene but nothing could've changed the outcome for you if you didn't report this to the police with /request or any other way like advert to make anyone aware, we were there for a gunfight that had apparently been going on for a while.

Plus it importantly looks like to me the rebel who was hostaged was aware that the police didn't know you had him as looks like to me he's positioned himself during the gunfight to easily die and escape your hostaging him situation rather than police coming in and killing him like you're stating.
Yours Truely,
I will later provide a recording that the rebel came to a window and started screaming he is being held hostage.
You have had enough time to upload additional footage now.
If you still wish, send me a PM on the forums.

In the video we cannot confirm who fired the first shot. Since fearRP is off after the first shot it makes it problematic to pinpoint any wrongdoing. Additionally, make sure to let the officers know you have a hostage to avoid any future confusion.

We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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