Unban Request
Your name: [PK]Alignment

Your ban ID: Doesnt say

Banned by: Beflok

Reason: This guy walked up to me and said kill me so i started punching him to death for a favor then as he dies the admin took me up there i explained that he wanted to die then he banned me...

Involved: jjames567 (128) and me.

Why we should unban you: I am a respectful player and i respect the community you hold and i got banned for a stupid reason and i was just helping people like i always do but if you guys odnt like me kill people if they say so i will understand becuase it looks like RDM but just talk to the guy.

If someone in real life asks you to kill him, someone you don't know, you would beat him to death with your bare hands, no questions asked. Did I get that right?
What doomdude says it is highly fail RP please make sure to read and follow the rules to prevent future punishments.

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